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Idk if it makes sense first read and I’m really curious

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Do you want a full list, or just a few examples?
I think she wants a full list
Do you want to include status moves? A lot of fighting Pokemon can learn curse.
Annhilape is both fighting type and ghost so... I guess that is an option
Srry if this is a little long:

Fighting Types that can learn Ghost Type Moves (I may be missing some)

- Blaziken
- Infernape
- Medicham
- Lucario
- Toxicroak
- Gallade
- Passimian
- Hisuian Decidueye
- Hisuian Sneasel
- Sneasler
- Annihilape
I haven’t looked in depth but Marshadow and Primeape are fighting with ghost moves. The question also asks for ghost types that learn fighting moves
yeah I know it's lot but I want to know since they are kinda immune to some and the other is to that and a bunch of confusing stuff
I wanna add one into my team and try to get a picture of one a really good one

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer


Fighting-types that can learn a Ghost-type move:

/ds fighting, astonish:
Croagunk, Decidueye-Hisui, Toxicroak
/ds fighting, confuse ray:
Arceus-Fighting, Decidueye-Hisui, Gallade, Iron Valiant
/ds fighting, curse:
Annihilape, Blaziken, Chesnaught, Combusken, Conkeldurr, Emboar, Gurdurr, Hariyama, Heracross, Mankey, Okidogi, Passimian, Pignite, Primeape, Scrafty, Scraggy, Slither Wing, Tauros-Paldea-Aqua, Tauros-Paldea-Blaze, Tauros-Paldea-Combat, Timburr
/ds fighting, destiny bond:
Gallade, Iron Valiant
/ds fighting, hex:
Arceus-Fighting, Gallade, Iron Valiant
/ds fighting, night shade:
Annihilape, Decidueye-Hisui, Gallade, Medicham, Meditite
/ds fighting, phantom force:
Annihilape, Arceus-Fighting
/ds fighting, rage fist:
Annihilape, Primeape
/ds fighting, shadow ball:
Annihilape, Arceus-Fighting, Croagunk, Gallade, Iron Valiant, Lucario, Medicham, Meditite, Meloetta-Pirouette, Passimian, Sneasel-Hisui, Sneasler, Toxicroak
/ds fighting, shadow claw:
Annihilape, Arceus-Fighting, Blaziken, Chesnaught, Combusken, Croagunk, Decidueye-Hisui, Gallade, Hakamo-o, Heracross, Infernape, Iron Valiant, Kommo-o, Koraidon, Lucario, Mankey, Meloetta-Pirouette, Monferno, Okidogi, Primeape, Riolu, Sneasel-Hisui, Sneasler, Toxicroak
/ds fighting, shadow punch:
/ds fighting, shadow sneak:
Decidueye-Hisui, Gallade, Iron Valiant
/ds fighting, spite:
Annihilape, Croagunk, Mankey, Okidogi, Primeape, Scrafty, Sneasel-Hisui, Sneasler, Toxicroak

Annihilape, Arceus-Fighting, Blaziken, Chesnaught, Combusken, Croagunk, Decidueye-Hisui, Emboar, Gallade, Gurdurr, Hakamo-o, Hariyama, Heracross, Infernape, Iron Valiant, Kommo-o, Koraidon, Lucario, Mankey, Medicham, Meditite, Meloetta-Pirouette, Monferno, Okidogi, Passimian, Pignite, Primeape, Riolu, Scrafty, Scraggy, Sneasel-Hisui, Sneasler, Slither Wing, Tauros-Paldea-Aqua, Tauros-Paldea-Blaze, Tauros-Paldea-Combat, Timburr, Toxicroak.

Ghost-types that can learn a Fighting-type move:

/ds ghost-type, aura sphere:
Arceus-Ghost, Giratina
/ds ghost-type, body press:
Arceus-Ghost, Calyrex-Shadow, Golurk, Houndstone
/ds ghost-type, brick break:
Annihilape, Arceus-Ghost, Ceruledge, Dusclops, Dusknoir, Gengar, Golett, Golurk, Hoopa, Necrozma-Dawn-Wings, Sableye, Typhlosion-Hisui, Zoroark-Hisui
/ds ghost-type, bulk up:
Annihilape, Arceus-Ghost, Ceruledge, Mimikyu, Sableye
/ds ghost-type, close combat:
Annihilape, Ceruledge, Golurk
/ds ghost-type, coaching:
/ds ghost-type, counter:
/ds ghost-type, cross chop
/ds ghost-type, detect:
Sableye, Zoroark-Hisui, Zorua-Hisui
/ds ghost-type, double kick:
Calyrex-Shadow, Spectrier, Typhlosion-Hisui
/ds ghost-type, drain punch:
Annihilape, Gengar, Golett, Golurk, Hoopa, Mimikyu, Sableye, Trevenant
/ds ghost-type, dynamic punch:
Golett, Golurk
/ds ghost-tye, final gambit:
/ds ghost-type, focus blast:
Annihilape, Arceus-Ghost, Dusknoir, Gengar, Gholdengo, Golett, Golurk, Haunter, Hoopa, Lunala, Trevenant, Typhlosion-Hisui, Zoroark-Hisui
/ds ghost-type, focus punch:
Annihilape, Dusclops, Dusknoir, Gengar, Gholdengo, Golett, Golurk, Hoopa, Sableye, Typhlosion-Hisui, Zoroark-Hisui, Zorua-Hisui
/ds ghost-type, hammer arm:
Golett, Golurk
/ds ghost-type, low kick:
Annihilape, Decidueye, Gholdengo, Golett, Golurk, Sableye, Typhlosion-Hisui, Zoroark-Hisui
/ds ghost-type, low sweep:
Annihilape, Decidueye, Gholdengo, Golett, Golurk, Sableye, Zoroark-Hisui
/ds ghost-type, quick guard
/ds ghost-type, reversal:
Annihilape, Oricorio-Sensu, Typhlosion-Hisui
/ds ghost-type, seismic toss
Annihilape, Arceus-Ghost
/ds ghost-type, vacuum wave:
Annihilape, Ceruledge

Annihilape, Arceus-Ghost, Calyrex-Shadow, Ceruledge, Decidueye, Dusclops, Dusknoir, Gengar, Gholdengo, Giratina, Golett, Golurk, Haunter, Hoopa, Houndstone, Lunala, Mimikyu, Necrozma-Dawn-Wings, Oricorio-Sensu, Sableye, Spectrier, Trevenant, Typhlosion-Hisui, Zoroark-Hisui, Zorua-Hisui.

National Dex

Fighting-types that can learn a Ghost-type move:

/nds fighting-type, astonish:
Croagunk, Decidueye-Hisui, Toxicroak
/nds fighting-type, confuse ray:
Arceus-Fighting, Decidueye-Hisui, Gallade, Iron Valiant, Mewtwo-Mega-X
/nds fighting-type, curse, all:
Annihilape, Blaziken, Chesnaught, Combusken, Conkeldurr, Decidueye-Hisui, Emboar, Farfetch’d-Galar, Gurdurr, Hariyama, Heracross, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, Machamp, Machoke, Machop, Mankey, Mewtwo-Mega-X, Okidogi, Passimian, Pignite, Poliwrath, Primeape, Scrafty, Scraggy, Sirfetch’d, Slither Wing, Tauros-Paldea-Aqua, Tauros-Paldea-Blaze, Tauros-Paldea-Combat, Timburr, Tyrogue
/nds fighting-type, destiny bond:
Gallade, Iron Valiant
/nds fighting-type, grudge:
/nds fighting-type, hex:
Arceus-Fighting, Gallade, Iron Valiant, Marshadow, Mewtwo-Mega-X
/nds fighting-type, night shade:
Annihilape, Decidueye-Hisui, Gallade, Medicham, Meditite, Mewtwo-Mega-X
/nds fighting-type, nightmare:
Gallade, Mewtwo-Mega-X
/nds fighting-type, ominous wind:
Arceus-Fighting, Decidueye-Hisui
/nds fighting-type, phantom force:
Annihilape, Arceus-Fighting, Marshadow
/nds fighting-type, spectral thief:
/nds fighting-type, rage fist:
Annihilape, Primeape
/nds fighting-type, shadow ball:
Annihilape, Arceus-Fighting, Croagunk, Gallade, Iron Valiant, Lopunny-Mega, Lucario, Marshadow, Medicham, Meditite, Meloetta-Pirouette, Mewtwo-Mega-X, Passimian, Silvally-Fighting, Sneasel-Hisui, Sneasler, Toxicroak
/nds fighting-type, poltergeist:
/nds fighting-type, shadow claw:
Annihilape, Arceus-Fighting, Bewear, Blaziken, Chesnaught, Combusken, Croagunk, Decidueye-Hisui, Gallade, Hakamo-o, Heracross, Infernape, Iron Valiant, Kommo-o, Koraidon, Lucario, Mankey, Marshadow, Meloetta-Pirouette, Monferno, Okidogi, Pancham, Pangoro, Primeape, Riolu, Silvally-Fighting, Sneasel-Hisui, Sneasler, Toxicroak
/nds fighting-type, spite:
Annihilape, Croagunk, Mankey, Mewtwo-Mega-X, Okidogi, Pancham, Pangoro, Primeape, Scrafty, Scraggy, Sneasel-Hisui, Sneasler, Toxicroak

Ignoring the ones already present in SV,

Mewtwo-Mega-X, Farfetch’d-Galar, Machamp, Machoke, Machop, Sirfetch’d, Gallade-Mega, Marshadow, Lopunny-Mega, Silvally-Fighting, Bewear, Pancham, Pangoro

Ghost-types that can learn a Fighting-type move:

/nds ghost-type, aura sphere:
Arceus-Ghost, Giratina, Marshadow
/nds ghost-type, axe kick:
No Pokémon found.
/nds ghost-type, body press:
Arceus-Ghost, Calyrex-Shadow, Cofagrigus, Dhelmise, Golurk, Houndstone, Runerigus
/nds ghost-type, brick break:
Aegislash, Annihilape, Arceus-Ghost, Ceruledge, Dhelmise, Doublade, Dusclops, Dusknoir, Gengar, Golett, Golurk, Honedge, Hoopa, Marowak-Alola, Marshadow, Necrozma-Dawn-Wings, Sableye, Typhlosion-Hisui, Zoroark-Hisui
/nds ghost-type, bulk up:
Annihilape, Arceus-Ghost, Ceruledge, Marshadow, Mimikyu, Sableye
/nds ghost-type, circle throw:
No Pokémon found.
/nds ghost-type, close combat:
Aegislash, Annihilape, Ceruledge, Doublade, Golurk, Honedge, Marshadow
/nds ghost-type, coaching:
Annihilape, Marshadow
/nds ghost-type, counter:
Annihilape, Dusclops, Dusknoir, Gengar, Marowak-Alola, Marshadow, Sableye
/nds ghost-type, cross chop:
/nds ghost-type, detect:
Annihilape, Marowak-Alola, Sableye, Typhlosion-Hisui, Zoroark-Hisui, Zorua-Hisui
/nds ghost-type, drain punch:
Annihilape, Gengar, Golett, Golurk, Hoopa, Marshadow, Mimikyu, Sableye, Trevenant
/nds ghost-type, dynamic punch:
Annihilape, Dusclops, Dusknoir, Gengar, Golett, Golurk, Marowak-Alola, Sableye
/nds ghost-type, final gambit:
Annihilape, Shedinja
/nds ghost-type, focus blast:
Annihilape, Arceus-Ghost, Dusknoir, Gengar, Gholdengo, Golett, Golurk, Gourgeist, Haunter, Hoopa, Lunala, Marowak-Alola, Marshadow, Trevenant, Typhlosion-Hisui, Zoroark-Hisui
/nds ghost-type, focus punch:
Annihilape, Dusclops, Dusknoir, Gengar, Gholdengo, Golett, Golurk, Hoopa, Marowak-Alola, Marshadow, Sableye, Typhlosion-Hisui, Zoroark-Hisui, Zorua-Hisui
/nds ghost-type, force palm:
/nds ghost-type, hammer arm:
Golett, Golurk
/nds ghost-type, jump kick:
/nds ghost-type, karate chop:
/nds ghost-type, low kick:
Annihilape, Decidueye, Gholdengo, Golett, Golurk, Marowak-Alola, Marshadow, Sableye, Typhlosion-Hisui, Zoroark-Hisui
/nds ghost-type, low sweep:
Annihilape, Decidueye, Gholdengo, Golett, Golurk, Marshadow, Sableye, Zoroark-Hisui
/nds ghost-type, power-up punch:
Annihilape, Dusclops, Dusknoir, Gengar, Golett, Golurk, Hoopa, Marowak-Alola, Phantump, Sableye, Trevenant
/nds ghost-type, quick guard:
/nds ghost-type, revenge:
Annihilape, Cofagrigus, Cursola, Dusclops, Dusknoir, Duskull, Marshadow, Runerigus
/nds ghost-type, reversal:
Aegislash, Annihilape, Doublade, Honedge, Marshadow, Oricorio-Sensu, Silvally-Ghost, Typhlosion-Hisui
/nds ghost-type, rock smash:
Aegislash, Annihilape, Arceus-Ghost, Doublade, Dusclops, Dusknoir, Gengar, Giratina, Golett, Golurk, Gourgeist, Honedge, Marowak-Alola, Phantump, Pumpkaboo, Sableye, Trevenant, Typhlosion-Hisui
/nds ghost-type, rolling kick:
/nds ghost-type, sacred sword:
Aegislash, Doublade, Honedge
/nds ghost-type, seismic toss:
Annihilape, Arceus-Ghost, Dusclops, Dusknoir, Gengar, Marowak-Alola, Sableye
/nds ghost-type, submission:
Annihilape, Gengar, Marowak-Alola, Typhlosion-Hisui
/nds ghost-type, superpower:
Golett, Golurk, Marshadow
/nds ghost-type, vacuum wave:
Annihilape, Ceruledge
/nds ghost-type, wake-up slap:

Ignoring the ones already present in SV,

Aegislash, Cofagrigus, Cursola, Dhelmise, Doublade, Duskclops, Froslass, Gourgeist, Honedge, Marowak-Alola, Marshadow, Phantump, Runerigus, Shedinja, Silvally-Ghost

Note: Hidden Power Ghost and Fighting were not taken into account

Source: Pokemon Showdown! commands:
/ds Fighting-type, [each ghost-type move]
/nds Fighting-type, [each ghost-type move]
/ds Ghost-type, [each fighting-type move]
/nds Ghost-type, [each fighting-type move]

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uh really long answear tensa but ty