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Just wondering because it will hit 616 Pokemon Super effectively and 162 normal Effectively

And now, 2 years later this combo hits 717 Super Effectively and 191 Normal Effectively. It is an unstoppable combo.
Donphan learn Earthquake, Thunder Fang, Superpower and Bounce

4 Answers

5 votes
Best answer

Hawlucha can learn moves of all four of those types. It can learn Flying Press, Aerial Ace, Thunderpunch, and Dig.

Arceus can also learn moves of those types. Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Hidden Power Flying, and Focus Blast.

Arcanine with Close Combat, Aerial Ace, Wild Charge and Bulldoze.

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Thank you ,which would you select to use ?
i think mew might
also ditto with the rage glitch
source: bulbapedia
Maybe Hawlucha. I'm not one for using legendaries and Arcanine isn't amazing. Plus, you won't get hurt by earthquake when you use dig on Hawlucha thanks to it being a Flying type :)
By the way the most viable set for Arceus would probably be a special one as you mentioned but not Hidden Power Flying but with the significantly better Judgement with Sky Plate
1 vote

Blaziken is much better with this it can learn
Thunder Punch
Brave Bird
And many fighting type moves

You do realize this question was both asked and answered last year right?
0 votes

Actually, Chimchar, Monferno and Infernape can learn these moves.

Let's see how-


Dig- By TM 28.


Focus Punch- By TM 01.


Aerial Ace- By TM 40


Thunder Punch- By Egg Move.

To get Thunder Punch you'll need 2 of these Pokemon= Hitmonchan, Electabuzz, Ampharos, Electivire or Magmortar. Then breed them with a Chimchar, Monferno or an Infernape
to get Thunder Punch. But with a Hitmonchan with Brick Break as a move would really do and
the baby chimchar will get both brick break and thunder punch !

0 votes

So this is a good question since a Pokemon that could combine these four attacking types can cover the entire meta and sweep easily in competitive play.

Hawlucha, Arceus and Arcanine are good choices but you forgot an even better. Dragonite.

There are 2 variations that could be used on Dragonite

The Special One:
Hurricane (which is also STAB)
Focus Blast
And... unfortunately it doesn't get Earth Power so here we have to use Earthquake/ Bulldoze

So ground seems to be a problem on the special side
The Physical One:
Thunder Punch
Brick Break
Fly (which is also STAB)

Dragonite naturally boasts a superior physical attack stat so it's benefited more from the physical set. However the physical moves are significantly less powerful whereas the special ones less accurate
