PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I have a mystery gift Pokemon with a capture date past when the event distribution was. I asked a long time player if the catch date changes based on your personal clock, but I haven't seen any confirmation online. Does anyone know if thats how it works? Could the person simply have claimed the Pokemon from the pokecenter a few days after the event?

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If it was traded to you, it's almost definitely hacked

1 Answer

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Best answer

Date received is what ever date your 3DS has when you pick up the gift


It's possible that your person had changed his system clock. This would explain the incorrect date. What's more likely however, like NobleOnion mentioned, is that the Pokemon is hacked. There are waaaaaay more hacked event Pokemon out there than real event Pokemon. It's impossible to know for sure, (if the date is really far from the actual event dates, it's almost definitely hacked).

At the end of the day it's a line of code.

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