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2 votes

When Electrify affects Fying Press, will the move be a Electric+Flying, just Electric, or something else?

And when Electrify affects Freeze-Dry, with the move be 4x effective against Water Types or something? Or does the secondary effect just cancel out?

(Also, yes, Electrify affects all moves, not just Normal-Type ones).


1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

Electrify Flying Press does get the Electric+Flying coverage matrix. Just like regular Flying Press's coverage matrix, these types have no overlapping weaknesses, but unlike the standard coverage, they do have overlapping resistances:
x2 damage to Water, Flying, Bug, Fighting
Standard damage to Dark, Fairy, Fire, Ghost, Grass, Ice, Normal, Poison, Psychic
x½ damage to Dragon, Rock, Steel
x¼ damage to Electric
x0 damage to Ground

Yes, this means that using Electrified Flying Press against a Magnezone will result in a 1/8 type multiplier...or an 8x multiplier if you're in an inverse battle.

Since Electrified moves are super effective against Water anyway, Freeze-Dry will typically behave no different to Electrifying any other ice move. Water/Ground types like Quagsire will still be immune. If you're playing inverse battles, however, Freeze-Dry is super effective against Water no matter if you Electrify it or not, whereas Electrifying any other Ice move would turn it into a resistance. The main difference Electrify would make in this case is that if you hit a Volt Absorb user like Lanturn, the ability would make them immune, instead of taking super effective damage.

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Cool, thanks!