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So this is three questions in one, so each question will be kind of short. If anyone knows any answers to any of the questions, they would all be helpful.

Question 1: I need to know if you can get an alolan raichu In any of the switch games with any random Pikachu. I have a shiny one from go, and I want to get an alolan raichu from it. I’m also wondering if you Can get a shiny alolan raichu By trading the one person in let’s go A shiny raichu.

Question 2: Now, this next question is kind of random, but I want to know if there’s any way to connect a 2Ds to the internet nowadays. I’m assuming that there isn’t, but if there is, I’m all ears.

Question 3: Now, this question isn’t possible if you need internet to connect Home and Bank, but I need to know if Pokémon available when bank came out can be transferred there from Home. Again, random, but I need answers.

In future, you should ask different questions in separate threads (mentioned in rule 0.5).
Alolan Raichu is available with the following methods:
LGPE: Trade Kantonian Raichu in Saffron City (Alolan Form)
SWSH Expansion: Max Lair (Dynamax Adventure) (Kantonian/Alolan Forms)
Reward for finding at least 40 Alolan Diglett (Alolan Form)
Events in Sc/Vi (now passed)

The alolan trades in LGPE are not shiny locked. However, you will not get a shiny Alolan Raichu from trading them a shiny Raichu. It's random 1/4096 odds.

You cannot evolve Pikachu to get Alola Raichu in any games except for SMUSUM.

Wifi will always work on 2/3ds as long as your wifi card works. They never discontinued wifi, just online connectivity and services.

Bank pokemon can still be sent to home, but pokemon from home can't be sent to bank. Yes, you need wifi.

to answer your ultimate question, you cannot send your shiny pikachu to USUM to evolve it there.

1 Answer

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answer 1: there is not currently a way for you to evolve your shiny Pikachu into an Alolan Raichu on the switch. the person in Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee will trade you one that has a chance to be shiny but that's kinda it.
Source: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/317989/can-i-get-a-shiny-alolan-raichu-from-psytrice

Answer 2: the 2DS and 3DS family of systems Internet connectivity has shut down. meaning you can't Wonder Trade or use the GTS anymore. Pokemon Bank will still work for the foreseeable future. WiFi will always work.
Source: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/63227/~/announcement-of-discontinuation-of-online-services-for-nintendo-3ds-and-wii-u

Asnwer 3: Pokemon Home can hold all of the Pokemon to date as they are continually updating it for new Pokemon. It is possible to transfer Pokemon from bank to home, however you need a Pokemon Home premium subscription to transfer from the 3DS to the Switch
Source: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/407883/how-to-transfer-from-pokemon-bank-to-pokemon-home

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and next time, you will probably need to ask separate questions as you'll get better answers.