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I started a Pokemon sun shinylocke and I am currently soft reseting for rowlet. However, I got to thinking. How am I supposed to sos chain with a lvl 5 rowlet? Not just that, but I want my second shiny to be pikipek. Y'know, a fire flying type. Rowlet is a grass type. I have no idea what to do about this

Toucannon is also normal flying
Wait really I honestly thought it was fire type idk why
Your confusing it with talonflame
No its cause it had like a really hot beak in the anime and it burnt rotom dex so I thought it was fire type.
Sometimes the anime confuses me

1 Answer

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Best answer

SOS chaining is really impractical early game. Without the PP, False Swipe, Adrenaline Orbs, Skill Swap, or Leppa Berries needed to extend a chain, it tends to be extremely inefficient.

As you can see in this video, this streamer hunts for his shiny Grubbin via Run Away encounters, which is probably your best bet at efficiently getting a shiny. It does toss up exactly what Pokemon you're going to find, but if this is how you're playing, it's what you have to do.

Or you can just do what Amethyst said and wait till you get False Swipe in Iki Town and Adrenaline Orbs in Route 2, although still at that point SOS chaining is extremely inefficient due to PP.

Hope this helps!

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