PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Welcome to the SV OU team thread! This thread is dedicated to showcasing teams that have excelled on the ladder or in tournaments within the SV OU metagame. The thread serves as a space where you can display your teams without the need for an extensive Rate My Team (RMT) analysis. As long as your team is viable within the SV OU metagame, feel free to share it here (no gimmicks allowed!!).

  • Please only provide teams that are compatible with DLC 2. Teams from DLC 1 or pre-DLC will be outdated and ineffective in the current metagame.
  • If you want feedback for your teams, post it in the RMT section.
  • Offer constructive suggestions, avoiding random comments to maintain clarity.
  • Encourage meaningful discussions, while avoiding arguments.
  • Provide comprehensive details, including EVs, natures, and sets in Showdown! importable format.
    Each team submission must include a description with the archetype (e.g., Balance, Hyper Offense, Stall) and three lines of analysis for each Pokémon.
  • Sprites are optional but appreciated.
  • Limit three teams per post for clarity and organization.

More information about posting can be found here.

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Let’s gooooo!!!!
yayyy i can finally find good teams
Wait, huh?! Since when?

3 Answers

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Best answer

Team Archive

This is a contents section of the thread. All the teams posted in the thread would be sorted here according to their archetype. If you feel your team is in the wrong section, please let me know.



Bulky Offence

Hyper Offence

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2 votes

Bulky Offense Sun Team


This Sun team got me to the 1600s in Gen 9 OU. Torkoal sets the Sun with Drought and lays hazards with Stealth Rock, while Rapid Spin denies opposing leads hazards. Lava Plume deals a decent amount of damage and Clear Smog keeps Volcarona from setting up for free. Tera Flying is mainly for Tusk and Roaring Moon, they can be problematic. This allows Torkoal to fish a couple more turns for a burn. Walking Wake and Gouging Fire are the double Choice sweepers. Evs are set for both of them to receive Proto-Speed from Sun. Heat Crash is on Gouging Fire should being locked into Raging Fury be risky during a battle. The Tera’s for both of them allow their STABs to hit harder. Great Tusk holds Heavy-Duty Boots to more easily clear hazards and Temper Flare in Sun punishes Gholdengo spin-blocks. SpDef investment also helps Great Tusk beat Gholdengo. Raging Bolt is a setup sweeper, with Leftovers for longevity. The EV spread is from Smogon and allows Raging Bolt to survive a Headlong Rush from Great Tusk and outspeed Gliscor. Tera Flying is also there to beat Great Tusk, although Tera Fairy can be used. Scream Tail is a one of the quickest Encore users in the game with Proto-Sun. This can stop Bulk Up Great Tusks, Sword Dance Kingambits, and Calm Mind Raging Bolts in their tracks. Wish keeps the sweepers healthy and Calm Mind allows Scream Tail to become threatening.

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do you not think 1600 is quite pitiful
1 vote

This is what I use. And trust me, it can deliver a pretty good smack lol

PokePaste: https://pokepast.es/03abfc477bbe7cd2

Roaring Moon @ Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Acrobatics
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Knock Off
Basically Moon is my start-up no-switchout smacker. It boasts a strong DDance and strong Proto Attack, and it also has that item-less Acrobatics, Knock Off, and EQ. Flying Tera is excellent as it helps smack people harder with Acrobatics and helps with defense sometimes.

Walking Wake @ Choice Specs
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Steam
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower
- Dragon Pulse
Wake is my second smacker. It has a very good Specs setup, along with the typical defensive Fairy Tera and a load of stronk Special moves that could be really good if used strategically. Such as Flamethrower for burn

Raging Bolt @ Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 20 Atk
- Thunderclap
- Thunderbolt
- Calm Mind
- Dragon Pulse
Bolt is an excellent clapper; literally. Thunderclap is OP. It has a Proto Sp. Atk on it, and Dragon Pulse for STAB. Now, realizing that it’s Speed wasn’t awful but actually fine, I maxed out Speed. And this is super helpful, as it can actually outspeed quite a few Pokémon now and hit them with an even stronger Thunderbolt. Oh, yeah. Fairy Tera for defense

Kingambit @ Lum Berry
Ability: Supreme Overlord
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Iron Head
- Kowtow Cleave
- Swords Dance
Gambit the late game sweeper. Yeah, it’s the same old Gambit. Fairy Tera for defense, Kowtow for STAB, Sucker Punch for priority, Iron Head for STAB, and Swords Dance for setup. Similarly to Bolt, it also has max Speed, which can catch the opponent off-guard and let it unsuspectingly smack Glowking and the like before it switches out, and it also helps with Iron Head cheese

Iron Treads @ Air Balloon
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Volt Switch
- Flash Cannon
- Earth Power
Your typical Treads. The fact it’s a Special attacker actually helps balance out the team some. RP to clear hazards and Volt Switch for momentum. The Air Balloon is because a lot of Ground moves get lobbed at it, so immunity to those is helpful

Gouging Fire @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Flare Blitz
- Morning Sun
My friend’s Ground Tera Gouging Terror set, this Fire goes nuts. It has DDance for setup, Flare Blitz for stronk STAB, Morning Sun for healing, HDB for Rocks, and, the star of the show, Ground Tera EQ. Ground Tera is OP on Fire, helping with survival, and the ever useful EQ just gets buffed

What do y’all think?

Edit: Hey, changed up team some

PokePaste: https://pokepast.es/ea9848ab6fff5f02

Moon is an excellent breaker. It has the most stupid Acrobatics ever, a nice DClaw, annoying EQ, and busted Knock Off. Proto Speed is really nice, and it can outspeed even Quark Speed Valiant. Flying Tera is a good defensive Tera and gives Acrobatics a strong boost. It’s EV spread just barely let’s it pull of Proto Speed instead of Proto Attack
Ogerpon is my bonk girl, as she is everybody else’s. A crazy Ivy Cudgel, strong healing Horn Leech, good coverage Play Rough, and setup Swords Dance. A true monster. Plus an ability that might be able to be used strategically, and amazing Speed and Attack stats. Not to mention when she Teras, which swaps her weaknesses, an even more demonic Ivy Cudgel, and a Sp. Def boost. No wonder Kitakami was scared of her XD
The infamous Bolt, the excellent TClapper. A crazy Proto Sp. Atk TClap, Thunderbolt for when you outspeed, Dragon Pulse for Dragon STAB, and Calm Mind for setup. Bolt’s Speed isn’t bad either, so max Speed is pretty good. Plus Fairy Tera for resistances, and you’re on your way to a W!
Gambit the last ditch murderer, it boasts the typical spread. Sucker Punch for priority, Kowtow Cleave for strong damage, Swords Dance for setup, and Iron Head for Steel STAB. Not to mention the OP Supreme Overlord, Lum Berry to get rid of any sneaky paras/burns that the opponent throws at you, Ghost Tera to turn the Fighting weakness into an immunity, and max Speed to become a surprising monster, it’s pretty nice
Ah, the crazy magician, Meowscarada. Super fast, super strong, it’s everything you could hope for. Knock Off for strong STAB, Sucker Punch to punish threats that think they can outspeed, Flower Trick for STAB, and Triple Axel for excellent coverage. It also has Protean to deal more damage, and Poison Tera to catch opponents off guard and be able to survive hits. The crazy magician
Fire didn’t appeal to me for a while… at least, until I saw it’s destructive power for myself. A true abuser of Ground Tera and EQ, it enjoys toying around with opponents. Flare Blitz for strong STAB, DDance for setup, Morning Sun for recovery, and EQ for good coverage. Paired with the Ground Tera to boost EQ and give it resistances, plus a Proto Attack, it’s pretty good

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Yes, plz! That’d be really helpful!
I meant copy and paste your new team into the answer and hide the comment. For getting images, do something like :sv/gengar: into a Smogon post, and preview it. It will show an image of Gengar. Hold on that image and copy it. It should give you https://www.smogon.com/dex/media/sprites/xy/gengar.gif.m.1706150269. Then go to the DB and put image like this [1]:https://www.smogon.com/dex/media/sprites/xy/gengar.gif.m.1706150269. [1] will take the value of the Gengar script. Then put ![][1]. This should show an image of Gengar.
You’ve successfully confused me lol. And I’ll fix the comment
Thank you! Tbh Im feeling too lazy to put it in rn XD