This is a classic team. Scarf Koraidon doing scarf Koraidon stuff, Calyrex the anti webs, Arceus Water being protection against most physical threats, Clodsire to slow down Miraidon and also to ruin Grimmsnarl teams with toxic spikes, Ho oh does Ho oh stuff, and Flutter Mane is damage dealer. For whatever reason, it has power gem which means that Ho oh doesn't really give it that much problems

Last team is one I made built around Giratina. Spamming poltergeist is really amusing and it + shadow sneak often nets key kills. Of course, ground immunity and ghost typing also helps. Arceus Water and Ho oh does the same things as my first team and this time, Ting Lu takes Clodsire's place. The same goes for Calyrex and Koraidon
Also, why are the first and third teams so similar? Because Ubers is so fvcking restricting that deviating from a proven structure can be troublesome, especially since ladder has so much random sht going around if below 1500 elo

Update on my webs HO team since cancer respects got banned. Basculegion's been replaced with offensive dd NDM because that can abuse webs fairly well. Ekiller and Calyrex are still the anti offense mons with the obligatory Koraidon. Rayquaza is just for fun and really, when webs is up, that dd will come in handy or if the opponent doesn't have the chance to setup rocks