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Almost everyone uses a smeargle to weaken shinies, and I'm curious what it is. What is it in Scarlet and Violet?

It probably consists of Spore and False Swipe to maximize catching probability
where are you seeing this being used? in videos online? if so, can we see?
or, are you just asking for the best shiny hunting smeargle as of SV?
Like J said, most likely has spore and false swipe
I was asking for the moveset on shiny hunting smeargle, and thought that it was more than spore + false swipe. Plenty of people use it, I can't think of any hunter that showed their smeargle, or had its moves visible in english.
Another moveslot will typically go to Soak, to forcefully change the opponent's type in case you need to remove a Grass-type's immunity to Spore for instance, or a ghost's immunity to False Swipe. Magic Powder can also change types, but it's less useful since it's a powder move and, like Spore, all grass types are automatically immune to that.

1 Answer

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Best answer

According to this recent Reddit thread, the most prominent catching moveset for Smeargle goes something like this:

Ability: Technician
Nature: (Doesn't really matter but Adamant is best)
- False Swipe
- Spore
- Soak
- Gastro Acid/Simple Beam/Skill Swap

The Metronome boosts Smeargle's False Swipe every time it's used, which is extremely beneficial due to Smeargle's pitiful Attack stat. Spore is for guaranteed sleep. Soak turning the opponent into a Water-type allows Smeargle to hit Ghost-types with False Swipe and Grass-types with Spore. The last move is used to suppress an opponent's ability that might be troubling. Abilities like Shed Skin or Vital Spirit or Insomnia that prevent or possibly prevent sleep, or Solar Power that might deal damage to the Pokemon your trying to catch. Those are just a few off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are much more. Skill Swap is probably the best for this, as Steel-types are immune to Gastro Acid, (although Soak fixes that,) and an opponent with Simple and stat changes might get chaotic.

I hope this helps! Please ask if you have more questions.

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tera normal?
Tera doesn't really matter, but I guess tera Ghost can help if the wild mon has Take Down or something.