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I'm currently at 700 encounters for the shiny starters and it's starting to drag on. I have sped up text speed. Is there any more I can do at this stage to make the hunt faster? I am also using L+R+start+select to try speed it up as well.

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Use RNG manip instead if you just want a legit shiny and don't care about the grind: https://www.smogon.com/ingame/rng/dpphgss_rng_intro
There will be video demonstrations of the technique required for starters on YouTube.
You can use multiple games and ds at the same time
If you do it on a 3ds with a rubber band around the L and R buttons it's much easier and more mindless
Forgot to mention, do something else while shiny hunting to make it less boring. Like binge a show or something while resetting. Passes the time much faster.

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