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I want to hunt Shiny Darkrai in my Diamond save, but I've never tweaked before. I know that messing up in the void can cause you to lose your save file, and I was just wondering how likely is it to mess up?

If you take all the right steps, is it possible to still mess up? If you take an extra step in a direction and then go back, are there any adverse effects? Or if you're careful and responsible do you have nothing to worry about? Just looking for a little reassurance.

Seriously, how likely it is to mess up depends on how skilled you are at doing it.
> As part of the paths to access Darkrai and Shaymin, the player is required to save the game in the void, so the same risks associated with the Surf glitch occur here, such as becoming trapped without a method of escape. It is also possible for, in the worst possible circumstance, the game to immediately freeze upon loading the save file, forcing a new game to be started. This can be tested for, however, by opening and closing an option on the menu such as the Bag (usually referred to as a Black Screen of Death test), as the game will freeze upon closing the selected menu option, preventing the save file from being damaged.

Seems you can test if saving will crash your save file. That probably makes this more safe.
But isn't it just going in straight lines, saving, resetting, and keeping track of steps? It's not like frame perfect glitches or anything like that?

@anchor but can all that happen even if you do it correctly?
> What chances do I have of getting a walkable Abyss?
The chances are 1 out of every 2 tries, therefore there is a 50% chance of getting a walkable abyss.


Seems like nothing is guaranteed.
@Anchor I'd be doubtful of that thread, seeing as the same guy also says there's a "1% risk of your game freezing" with no clear proof.
I don’t know I guess. I think if you’re careful you probably can do it.
I’m not really informed on what still is going on with the DS and if this is still available, but if you end up trapped in the void there’s this:

> For both this glitch and the above-mentioned broken escalator glitch, in the case where the player has saved the game while trapped, it is possible to repair the save state with a program that was distributed to DS Download Stations in Japan starting October 27, 2006. The player will be transported back outside their house in Twinleaf Town, allowing them to resume the game.

Unfortunately I was not in Japan in 2006
Oh, my bad. You should’ve been. I believe you can do it. If you walk the right steps you shouldn’t trap yourself and if you check the bag you shouldn’t cause your save file to corrupt.
When would I check the bag? Also that serebii forums link is from 2009, and i know this exploit has been abused heavily since then
Check the bag while at the forced save spot in the Void to see if saving will crash the game, usually referred to as a Black Screen of Death test.

If I follow this step by step is there any chance I brick my save

1 Answer

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As part of the paths to access Darkrai and Shaymin, the player is required to save the game in the void, so the same risks associated with the Surf glitch occur here, such as becoming trapped without a method of escape. It is also possible for, in the worst possible circumstance, the game to immediately freeze upon loading the save file, forcing a new game to be started. This can be tested for, however, by opening and closing an option on the menu such as the Bag (usually referred to as a Black Screen of Death test), as the game will freeze upon closing the selected menu option, preventing the save file from being damaged.

TL:DR Saving in the void for the glitch can softlock you, as can the game freezing on a new save even. The freezing can be prevented by checking the bag. if the game freezes when you open the bag, it means you would've been softlocked. As long as you follow the right path and make sure to freeze check, you should be ok. I'm pretty sure you can automate tweaking anyways

As for your second question, I cannot find anything saying that overstepping and then going back can screw up the setup, and frankly it'd make no sense to screw it up anyways. You should be fine on that front.

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I followed his video and was fine I'm SRing Darkrai right now. Thank you