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3 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Okidogi, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions may also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Okidogi Pokédex and learnset for reference.

Okidogi sprite


4 Answers

1 vote

Gen 9 Monotype Bulk Up (Fighting)

Okidogi (M) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Toxic Chain
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 248 HP / 240 SpD / 20 Spe
Careful Nature
- Bulk Up
- Poison Jab
- Drain Punch / Knock Off
- Taunt / Substitute / Knock Off

The standard Bulk Up set Okidogi uses on Fighting teams in Gen 9 Monotype. Bulk Up boosting Okidogi's Attack and Defense stats allow it to become a potent wincon that can hit hard while tanking physical attacks better. Poison Jab is used for a consistent Poison STAB to hit Fairy-types such as Azumarill, Iron Valiant, Enamoarous, and Clefable. Drain Punch gives Okidogi a form of HP recovery and is useful to hit Steel- and Dark-types such as Kingambit, Hisuian Goodra, Heatran, Archaludon, Hydreigon, Ting-Lu, and Iron Treads. Knock Off can be used since you already have Fighting moves on other teammates, and having Knock Off allows Okidogi to remove items such as Rocky Helmet, Heavy-Duty Boots, and Leftovers from its checks. Knock Off also allows Okidogi to not get walled by Ghost-types such as Gholdengo, Dragapult, and Spectrier. If you want to have both Drain Punch and Knock Off, you can have Knock Off in the 4th slot. If you're comfortable having either Drain Punch or Knock Off, the last slot is free for some options. Taunt allows Okidogi to prevent slower Pokemon from using statusing it or using Haze to cripple it. It also stops slower Pokemon from setting up to try to break or sweep. Substitute can be used to setup in front of Pokemon who can't do too much to it such as Amoonguss, Sinistcha, and Toxapex. Some other options you can do in the 4th slot is Ice Punch to hit the Landorous forms, Garchomp, and Gliscor super effectively. Psychic Fangs is another option to help with the Poison matchup to hit Poison-types such as Toxapex, Ammonguss, Pecharunt, and Clodsire super effectively.

Toxic Chain is used for the Ability so it can potentially spread poison to cripple opposing Pokemon. 20 Speed EVs allow Okidogi to outspeed Pokemon using enough speed to outspeed Adamant Azumaril and Max Speed Adamant Kingambit, being useful against Sinistcha so it can Taunt it or setup a Substitute before Sinistcha makes its move. The rest of the EVs are used to invest in Okidogi's special bulk since it has Bulk Up to boost its defense stat. Black Sludge is used for a little HP recovery. If you use this set in a format like RU or UU, use Leftovers instead and adjust the EV spread to what Okidogi wants to speedcreep in the other tiers.

0 votes

Gen 9 UU Offensive Scarf

Okidogi (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Toxic Chain
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Poison Jab / Gunk Shot
- High Horsepower / Fire Punch / Ice Punch / Thunder Punch
- Knock Off / Fire Punch / Ice Punch / Thunder Punch

Offensive Choice Scarf. Any Coverage moves can be used, even Psychic Fangs, Outrage or Iron Head can be used according to the types you want to be strong against.

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0 votes

Okidogi @ Assault Vest
Ability: Toxic Chain
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 124 HP / 176 Atk / 96 Def / 112 SpD
Careful Nature
- Drain Punch
- Poison Jab / Gunk Shot
- Knock Off
- Iron Head

Drain Punch and Poison Jab/Gunk Shot are STAB, while Knock Off and Iron Head are good coverage moves. I prefer Poison Jab because Gunk Shot's accuracy is somewhat unreliable, but you can use Gunk Shot instead if you want more power instead of more accuracy. Tera Dark switches the 4x weakness of psychic into 0x, and Assault Vest insures that you can take a few more special hits.

–1 vote

Unique Okidogi set…

Okidogi @ Leftovers
Ability: Guard Dog
Tera Type: Stellar
EVs: 252 Def / 40 HP / 216 Atk
Impish Nature
- Body Press
- Toxic
- Protect
- Crunch

Leftovers protect is great recovery, and toxic is basically just toxic chain, because I’m running Guard dog. Crunch covers psychic, and body press is a crazy stab with your EVs. Hope you enjoyed my post!

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How do you look at Toxic Chain plus base 128 attack and decide the best thing for this mon is to run Body Press and toxic stall?
Come on mate. If you're not just trolling at this point you need to explain how/when your sets are better than other options.