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I am wanting to get a Aerial ace Slaking, and I have a flying Tera Breloom. I used TM027 on Breloom and i'm in a situation where I don't have the time to make another TM027. I only have the option currently to breed seeing as I am unable to go to area zero at level 40. I have to then chain breed seeing as Breloom is in Grass/Faerie egg groups and Slaking is in Field. Why do I have time to breed but not to make another TM? I also want Ice hammer Tinkaton and Belly Drum/Superpower Cetitan. I am doing a picnic anyway because of that. Can Pachirisu learn aerial ace by breeding, or is there another option?

just get 3 starly and fletchling feathers and make the tm yourself, it'd take like 2 minutes
It learns it by TM so.... Why is this even a question? The answer is yes unless I'm missing something

1 Answer

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Best answer

Both Pachirisu and Slaking can only learn Aerial Ace via TM in Gen 9. You'll have to gather 3 Starly Feathers and 3 Flechinder Feathers to craft another TM at the TM Machine at any Pokemon Center outpost in the field. This will also cost you 800 LP.


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Pokemon can learn TM moves through breeding if the parent knows it