PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
2 votes

For example, if you have XY and ORAS, you can complete a Gen 6 Living Dex. What are the minimum games needed, without trading for version exclusives, mythicals, or different forms/gender differences, to complete a Living Dex?

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Is that even possible with the newer games?
The method I know for sure was XY, ORAS, USUM, SWSH, PLA, and SV, but there might be a quicker way.
Oh! You're not talking about getting it all in the same game.
Excluding mythicals, that is the only way.

However I think you only need one of XY and one of ORAS. You only need one of USUM because the only version exclusive that isn't a legendary you can get through DAs are Alolan Sandslash/Ninetales which you can get from Diglett Man in Isle of Armor
Assuming you also want every Mythical that is available outside of events, you need GO for Meltan/Melmetal, ORAS for Deoxys, BDSP for Mew and Jirachi (Which require Sword and Shield and Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee), USUM if the Magearna QR code still works, and Legends: Arceus for more than just the 3/4 mythicals that are available in it (Arceus, Manaphy, Shaymin, Darkrai; which require SwSh and BDSP)

2 Answers

6 votes
Best answer

You will need a grand total of seven Pokemon games plus the Isle of Armor, Crown Tundra, Teal Mask, and Indigo Disk to complete your Living Dex, excluding Pokemon Bank and Pokemon HOME. These are:

  1. Scarlet (+DLC)
  2. Violet (+DLC)
  3. Legends: Arceus
  4. Sword (+DLC)
  5. Shield (+DLC)
  6. Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, Brilliant Diamond, or Shining Pearl
  7. X or Y

Scarlet + Violet are necessary for Gen 9 Pokemon. You need both versions (as well as their respective DLCs) for the version exclusives like Armarouge/Ceruledge and older legendaries.

Legends: Arceus is needed for the Hisuian Pokemon.

Sword + Shield are for Gen 8 Pokemon that aren't in Gen 9, like Obstagoon and Runerigus. Sword is needed for Sirfetch'd, while Shield is the requirement for Cursola. You also need their DLCs to get older Pokemon and legendaries through Dynamax Adventures.

At this point, we're left with just 31 Pokemon. The next games are Pokemon X or Y to pick up Patrat and the Pan monkeys, as none are available later on. This also takes out most of the other lines like Weedle and Pidgey.

Finally, we're down to just 3 Pokemon: Rattata, Raticate, and Castform. These are most easily obtained in Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, or Ultra Moon. However, if you would rather have the Kantonian form of Rattata, it may be better to use Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl, which can obtain the same Pokemon the Gen 7 games can but taking more time to do so.

Regardless of the path you took, your Living Dex should now be complete!

A lot of trade evolutions can be found in the wild in later games, so that shouldn't be too much of an issue. Please note this list isn't necessarily the easiest way to find every Pokemon -- for example, Castform is more convenient to find in ORAS than it is in USUM. This answer might change with the release of Legends ZA, but this is currently the fewest number of games you can use to make a Living Dex.

"...But wait, Amethyst!" I hear you saying. "I want to make my life hell and get Mythical Pokemon for my Living Dex!" And who am I to deny the wishes of the people? Let's go a step further and find out how to deal with as many Mythicals as you can.

Crystal (Virtual Console edition) allows you to capture Celebi. With the closure of the 3DS eShop, you can no longer obtain this game.
Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire will let you capture Deoxys for completing the Delta Episode.
The Gen 7 games, once you enter the Hall of Fame, let you scan a QR Code that gives you Magearna. The code will never expire.
Sword or Shield's DLC has a special quest revolving around Keldeo.
Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl let you pick up Mew and Jirachi if you have save data from LGPE and SwSh respectively.
Legends: Arceus allows you to obtain Manaphy, Phione, and Arceus through normal gameplay. It also gives you Shaymin if there's save data from SwSh and Darkrai if there's save data from BDSP.
Pokemon GO can yield Meltan through Mystery Boxes, which can be evolved into Melmetal.
Scarlet or Violet: The Indigo Disk has a special quest revolving around Meloetta. Additionally, obtaining the Mythical Pecha Berry through Mystery Gift will allow you to catch Pecharunt; this distribution doesn't currently have an end date.

So, who's left? Victini, Genesect, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion, Marshadow, Zeraora, and Zarude are unobtainable through any of these means, so we'll need to dig a little deeper.

You'll need to perform the DNS Exploit on Pokemon Black or White to obtain Victini and Genesect. The sequels won't work because they won't give you the Liberty Pass to find Victini (though Genesect can still be obtained). For a DNS Exploit guide, check this link.

Tragically, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion, Marshadow, Zeraora, and Zarude are all currently unobtainable. Keep an eye out for events in the future, though -- you never know how Game Freak might try to promote their next big idea.

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Perfect, thanks!
Happy to help!
You should update this x
I'll work on this soon
Hello, I'm sorry if this is obvious, but is this updated for the newest current releases (Indigo Disk DLC)?
Yes it is :)
0 votes

Technically you only need a home subscription and any Pokemon game on the switch (or Pokemon GO) to get a living dex by using the gts (excluding mythicals).
However in order to catch all of the Pokemon yourself, you will need:
Pokemon x or y
Pokemon Omega ruby
Pokemon Alpha sapphire
Pokemon sun or Pokemon ultra sun or Pokemon moon or Pokemon ultra moon
Pokemon sword
Pokemon shield
Pokemon scarlet
Pokemon Violet
As well you need the expansion pass for either Pokemon sword or Pokemon shield
This does not include mythicals.
Some version exclusive Pokemon require you to have a specific combination of games (if you get x you will need sun, and the shield dlc because shield has Yveltal and lunala while sun and x have there sword dlc counterparts and vice versa)
To get the remaining mythicals you need:
Pokemon black or Pokemon white
Pokemon ruby or sapphire
Any 4th gen game
A game that will trade a jirachi to Pokemon ruby and sapphire
(For those without Japanese GameCubes) any 2nd gen virtual console
Pokemon bank
Pokemon transport
(If you want original magearna) Pokemon sun or moon.

Which Pokemon requires each of these games to obtain?