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I'm just curious the best way to Sketch Explosion/Self Destruct or any other move similar to them. Since Smeargle's defensive stats are so low, I think you'd have to get it to a very high level. Damp shenanigans? Give me your thoughts

> Sketch can copy Selfdestruct and Explosion only when a Pokémon with the Damp Ability is present.


Unless there's some interactions with Ghost types or Double Battles I'm not familiar with, it seems Damp is your only option.
If Smeargle can sketch explosion, then you could have previously sketched protect on Smeargle to survive an explosion. Then sketch. You have to be faster. Tell me if I have any Smeargle mechanics wrong.
The user of Explosion will still faint even if Smeargle uses Protect. This means Smeargle won't have a target that used Explosion on the previous turn, so this unfortunately doesn't work.
Ahhhhhhhhh! I forgot explosion causes the user to faint. I don't know how. Should I hide my answer?
Does Focus Sash prevent an exploding Pokémon from fainting? If so, I have an idea.
Focus Sash doesn't prevent the Explosion user from fainting.
It might be possible if in a Double Battle, you skill Swap Damp onto Smeargle, switch into the Pokemon you want to explode, and then blow up (and fail because of Damp) and Sketch the move. However, I haven't tested it.
@ ~Whiteøut~ yes, that would work

1 Answer

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Realized the easiest way to do this is in a Triple Battle. First places that came to mind were Restaurant Le Yeah, Le Wow, and Sushi High Roller in Lumiose City in XY.

Enter the Triple Battle with a Pokemon with Damp, (Golduck, Poliwrath, Quagsire, etc,) a Pokemon with SD/Explosion, and Smeargle. Make sure your exploding Pokemon is only slightly faster than your Smeargle, so Smeargle moves directly after your exploding Pokemon. For this reason, the best Pokemon to use are Stunky, Drifloon, or if your Smeargle is high level, Volcanion.

If everything is correct, you should be able to go into a Triple Battle at a restaurant, select Explosion and Sketch, and come out of the battle with an Exploding Smeargle.

Bravo! Bravo! Now we just have to imagine what it would look like if Smeargle did explode.
The (possibly) organs will fly across the screen, the blood spews all over the Pokémon and the trainers. Its skin will scatter on the floor.