PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I understand that the eShop has closed and players can no longer purchase Pokémon Bank, but are there any other ways to transfer my old 'mons to newer generations? Maybe slightly less "legal" methods? Don't want to lose my trained up Pokémon for good...

You can still use Bank if you have it already. Other than that, you legally can’t.
Pretty sure that if you know someone else with Bank, you can use their 3DS and transfer to Home on your Switch.
Other than that, I don't know of any other methods.

1 Answer

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Legally and officially, the only way to transfer Pokemon from the 3DS to the Switch is by using Pokemon Bank and Pokemon HOME, which are now both free to use. If you don't have a 3DS that has Bank installed on it, you can try to find someone in your area that would be willing to let you use their console with Bank on it.

Outside of that, we are not allowed to publicize or put out information regarding "illegal" or non-official methods of transferring Pokemon.

Official Pokémon games and media only. No fan games. Don't ask for help using mods or cheats, and don't suggest them to others.

From our rule page

Hope I could help!

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