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I'm familiar with how to use Sketch with Smeargle back in SM, but I'm playing GSC and am having difficulties trying the same method.

I have a Smeargle with good DVs that I bred and a Parasect with Spore that I want my Smeargle to have (obviously). I still have a ways to go until postgame-- I just obtained HM05 Fly but wanted to get a jump on it. I found a Ditto in Goldenrod to have it Transform into Parasect but when I switch into a paralyzed Lv. 12 Ditto Parasect with a Lv. 9 Smeargle holding a Mint Berry (to wake it back up when it uses Spore and goes for the Sketch) the move either fails or the paralyzed Parasect moves first oddly and screws up the Sketch, needing a reset.

I'm starting to suspect that in Gen 2 that a Sketch will automatically fail if I'm using it to copy a move from an already transformed Ditto. Is there anyone who can confirm this?

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What are DVs?
It means the same thing as IVs for Gen 1 and 2: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Individual_values

1 Answer

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Best answer

Sketch will fail if:
- The move tries to copy a move the user already knows.
- The battle does not allow experience points to be earned (such as link battles or Battle Tower battles).
- The target is transformed.


Yes, in Generation 2, Sketch fails when used on a transformed Pokemon.

In Crystal, you can still find wild Parasect that know Spore in Mt. Silver, but unfortunately that is post-game. Since Paras and Parasect are the only Spore learners in Gen 2, this is the only way to Sketch Spore onto Smeargle in Gen 2.

Hope I could help!

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That's a bummer, I'm playing on Silver, but that was extremely helpful. Thank you!

If that's the case, then I should probably look into Gym leaders and Trainers for good moves, since those are better documented online than random encounters.
I'm already seeing possibilities in Chuck's Poliwrath with Mind Reader, Brock's Rhyhorn with Horn Drill, Blue's Pidgeot with Whirlwind, etc.
Random encounters always have the last four moves that it would obtain by level up, so if you know a Pokemon's level up moveset, than you will know a random encounter's moveset if you know it's level.
What's Mt.? And what has Paras and Parasect got to do with this question?
Mount? As in Mount Silver.

Please read the question before asking more questions
I did read the question but I'm not an expert with every Pokémon game, that's the whole point of this site