PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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So I've heard that the Chinese version of Pokémon Quest has more content than the Worldwide version of it, such as Pokémon from Gen 2 and onwards, etc. how can I download it outside of China?

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How to: Install and play the chinese version of Pokemon quest.
Disclaimer: For all those wanting to play be advised that in order to play the game you need to verify your identity as a foreigner. This consists on sending your valid ID to them so they can verify that you are a foreigner. This is due to the recent anti-addiction laws passed by china.

How to do it (only the first steps are different between android and iOS):

Android Users--

Download and install the taptap store. https://www.taptap.io/mobile

Download and install the Dashen app. https://ds.163.com/ (scroll down and download should appear on bottom right corner)

Search the taptap store for Pokemon quest chinese and download it

Search the regular app store for a screen app translator such as https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tap_to_translate.snap_translate&hl=en&gl=US.

iOS Users--

Set your store region to china.

Download and install the Dashen app. https://ds.163.com/download/

Search the chinese app store for Pokemon quest.

Now starts the hardest part of the installation. It is here that you need to submit documents so you can verify your identity in the netease games: (on these steps the iOS users might be much more lost cause they don't have an on screen translator)

Video on how to submit the I'd confirmation - https://m.ds.163.com/article/6099f0407c872202d5d670cf/


Enter the Dashen app downloaded above, this is the official netease chinese app.

Inside the app head into the bottom right icon(1). Then click the top red button (2) so you can register a new account. https://prnt.sc/1xr74e1

Choose the correct mobile number indicative and fill in your phone number.

After receiving the security code insert it and conclude your login with phone number. (It will most likely ask you to chose an username, sex and birthdate https://prnt.sc/1xr8mdc

Next you need to access this box icon https://prnt.sc/1xr8p0x and select the submit real I'd confirmation https://prnt.sc/1xr8qpj

You'll be prompted to select 3 options, it is the middle one that you want since it is the non-mainland china user.https://prnt.sc/1xr8twy

You might need to confirm another time your phone number and input the verification code in the app.

You will then be prompted to send 3 images. First one is the front of your ID, second one is the back of the I'd and the third one is you holding the id. These photos should be both legible and not be tainted. https://prnt.sc/1xr93lm

After entering the 3 photos you will be prompted to confirm the data you have submited. The first entry is the document type in which the first one is the personal ID and the 4th one is the driver's license. You can choose one of these or more (you'll have to translate this screen) https://prnt.sc/1xr97hq Second input is your real name, should be without spaces and if you can translate your name to chinese cause the app doesn't like western characters. Third space is the ID number which again should be numbers only or translated letters since it doesn't like western characters. The final input space is the validity of your document where the first option is permanently valid and the second one is to input the validity (choose the first I believe). Afterwards you should complete your submission!

The final prompt is for face id, so you should just keep the phone pointed at you until the icon fills up.

And you are done, the real I'd has been submited, this might take a couple (like 10) hours to be confirmed and afterwards you will have successfully completed your foreign account.

After having the validity of the I'd confirmed in the dashen app you should:

head on to the Pokemon quest app.

after it loads you will be prompted to login and it will ask you for your phone number. Input the phone number you used on the dashen app since that one is the one with the confirmed identity.

It should login and you are free to enjoy the new Pokemon quest!!!


Can't say I read much of that but according to the comments it works and hopefully it works for you too.

Hope this helps!

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