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Fastest way to shiny hunt is the Cute Charm glitch, but the setup time and skill is excruciating. Masuda Method is also good, but it can be hard to get foreign Pokemon for a game from 2010.
masuda method kills my soul T-T
You're going to have a very tough time shiny hunting without RNG... unless what you mean is "don't suggest RNG manip".
I could write a detailed answer on this tomorrow. Key points are cute charm, Masuda method, and starters. Off the top of my head everything else is 1/8192 but I could be wrong
Yeah, there’s not much you can do in Hgss for shiny hunting. I believe there only is soft reset and RE, and RA methods in gen 4. Masuda method and RNG manipulation are the only ways to get boosted odds, IIRC.

Op, you’re stuck at full odds if MM and cute charm arent an option for you.

The fastest hunts are Game Corner and the Starters.  Source: god why did I do a shiny only challenge

However, you could shiny hunt the shiny gyarados at the lake of rage. I heard lots of people get good odds in that hunt ;)

1 Answer

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Best answer

Technically, the best odds of getting a shiny in HGSS is via the infamous Cute Charm Glitch. You can get an in-depth guide for how to perform this glitch here, but essentially it's caused when both your ID and SID are very low numbers, which combined with a female Cute Charm user, can get your shiny odds up to 21.34%! However, without the use of RNG manipulation, (and the likely resetting of your save file,) it is an extremely long and tedious process to perform this glitch correctly, so this will most likely not be an option for you.

The next two methods have the same odds of a shiny Pokemon, but one is more likely to be accessible than the other.

One is the Masuda Method. If you have access to a Gen IV game from a different region and language of the world, you can trade a Pokemon from that game to your game. When two Pokemon from two different regions of the world breed, the eggs hatched have a higher shiny chance than regular eggs. In Gen IV, these odds are placed at 1/1638. However, if you don't have access to a different language game, this is also not an available option for you.

In this case, your "best" chance of getting a shiny is hunting in the Game Corner. If you have enough coins to buy five Pokemon, you can quickly buy 5 Pokemon to fill your party, check if they're shiny, and then soft reset if they aren't. This gives you the same odds as Masuda Method, with 1/1638.

Another viable option is soft resetting for the starters. When viewing the three starters in the starter selection screen, they will actually show if they are shiny or not. And because you can see three Pokemon at once, this technically raises your odds to 3/8192, or 1/2731.

These are your best options for shiny hunting in HGSS.

Hope I could help! Please ask if you have more questions

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> "best" odds of getting a shiny is when getting your starter.

I beg to differ, or offer an alternative. With game corner hunts, you see 5 Pokémon per reset, rather than the starter hunt’s 3.
Mb, didn't know how those worked
thank you so much!
Yeah no problem