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I'm currently leaning towards Hariyama because it can beat Sydney and does decently against Glacia, however my Clamperl could probably beat Glacia with Toxic stall too, but Aggron is a titanic wall with base 180 defense and hits hard too, so I'm wondering which is better.

PS: This question could be irrelevant, especially if I get something I don't want (Lairon / Hariyama or Mawile) in the E4, because then I'd be forced to work with it. However, if Lairon is the better choice, I think there is a way I can manipulate with Repels to get a Lairon

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Hariyama is almost definitely better, especially if you can get one with thick fat. Aggron has worse offensive typing, more weaknesses, and worse STAB moves.
OK. Do you know if there is any way to increase my odds of getting a Hariyama or will it all be up to chance? I already have gotten Golbat and Sableye, btw
Wait why is this flagged? If this kind of question isn't allowed, I can hide it
Edited to comply with Rule 1.6
Oh I think I see how I violated rule 1.6. Sorry about that
No problem! The question itself was fine

1 Answer

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Use a Heart Scale to teach it Vital Throw and optionally, Arm Thrust. In fact, you could even try running Substitute (Move Tutor, Lilycove City Dept Store, on the terrace) + Focus Punch (TM01 found on Route 115) which can blow some serious holes through the E4 and Steven.

Aggron is sorely disappointing, and has no good STAB (Iron Tail's unreliable accuracy will get you stuck in a tough spot) and it is weak to Wallace. As much as I wanted to make it work for my own run, it requires you to specifically want to use it to make it work at par with the myriad other options available.

As far as your Clamperl's Toxic Stall strategy is concerned, be warned that E4 members carry Full Restores, so you'll quickly run out of Toxic PP by the second or third member. I know because I'm currently the same issue with using Toxic Swalot.

Honestly, I'd keep Sableye but train it at Mt. Pyre till it learns Shadow Ball, which will make it reliable against Phoebe. I also think you might struggle against Drake because your own Flygon is weak to Dragon types. I suggest getting TM 13 Ice Beam from the Abandoned Ship between Dewford and Slateport, and teaching it to your Tentacool/Tentacruel, or, with an X Accuracy, Blizzard from the Lilycove Dept Store.

Other suggestions include teaching Calm Mind to your Grumpig and watching it rampage with Psychic if you manage to get to +2. You can even teach it Shock Wave to help out with Glacia and Wallace, and I suspect you'll have a bit of trouble against the Champion due to a lack of brute force/ firepower, so be sure to have some setup moves and X items handy. Good luck!

P.S. Hariyama & Flygon should be more than enough to deal with Steven provided you can take care of Metagross and Skarmory with powerful Special type STAB moves.

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Not sure on how to specifically increase the odds for Hariyama for your Nuzlocke though, sry about that :/
Thank you! I'm just curious, why would I want Arm Thrust on Hariyama? Wouldn't Vital Throw be enough? For the Clamperl strategy, I think I'd give it some Leppa Berries so it doesn't run out of Toxic.
For the sake of extra PP, tbh. Vital Throw has 10 PP and Arm Thrust has 20. It's just so you have more Fighting STAB options. Knock Off is super weak and Special so not worth it. The other moves are Fake Out, Substitute, Focus Punch. So if you go that route, you can safely skip Arm Thrust. You need it for Sydney and Glacia, and perhaps even Drake and Wallace should you face an unexpected snag.
I hope you've got sufficient Leppa Berries, but since you're making it hold a Deep Sea Scale, you'd have to spend a turn feeding it the berry, so make sure you wont get accidentally KOed.
Why not brick break? It's base power isn't the best, but it's reliable and has no negative effects on the user.
I got a Lairon, even with a 70% chance of getting a Hariyama (25% for Hari and 10% for Maku) compared to 15% for Lairon (10% for Lair and 5% for Aron). Do you know the best moveset/strategy for using Aggron in the E4? I'm just wondering in case something goes seriously long and I lose a Pokemon. Also, thank you for answering.
Ideally you shouldn't use it at all, but I think iron tail and double-edge are its 2 best moves.
Sadly, mine has Sturdy instead of Rock Head, which I think means I'll have to rely on Strength, Iron Tail, and 2 other filler moves. I'm not 100% sure what these 2 fillers should be though.
@sumwun yes Brick Break definitely works, it slipped my mind and I didn't realise the TM could be found before E4. Unfortunately after the Lairon capture it's become a cow's opinion ;p