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I bred my ditto with my Pokemons as I didn't had a female one, but I only got male. For eg. I had my male Eevee breed with a ditto in the day care and every hatches were male. I tried it in firered, diamond and heartgold and I got only male eevee. It was like 10 hatches and all male. I also tried other Pokemons like scizor and got male scyther, Charizard and got male charmander. I want a female charmander to breed for outrage. How can I get it ?

Which game are you asking about?
Firered, diamond and heartgold
Are you playing emulators?
Check a mon's gender odds. Starters have pretty bad odds to be female upon breeding
Adding to Master Mirror, Eevee’s gender ratio is 87.5% male, same as the starters. As for the Scyther, who has a 50/50 ratio, that may just be bad luck. It would definitely help to know if this was an emulator, however.
Why does it matter if it's on emulator? Unless it's a rom hack where the creator altered the gender odds, everything remains the same as long as you don't use a cheat code to manipulate gender

2 Answers

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Best answer

Charmander and Eevee both have a 7:1 male to female ratio.
According to these sources, nothing (except RNG abuse) can change an egg's gender probabilities.
If you hatch 10 Eevees or 10 Charmanders, the chance that they're all male is still over 26%, so it's very likely that you just got a little bit unlucky. Scyther has a 1:1 gender ratio, so it should be easier to hatch a female Scyther.

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Most Pokemon have an 87.5% chance to be male, eventually you would have to get a female since there is no guarantee. There are base form Pokemon that are guarantee male though which are: Tyrogue, Nidoran M (obviously), Tauros, Volbeat, Throh, Sawk, Rufflet, and Impidimp. Charmander and Eevee are many of the Pokemon to have a 87.5% of being male. Scyther however, has a 50-50 chance, so either your game is bugged or you're just extremely unlucky.

Probably shouldn't answer yet because we don't know definitively what the problem is. Because of the games he's playing it's likely he's on an emulator and if that's the case that is most definitely the reason behind their problem
Well he never explained if he was playing on an emulator or not so I just decided to go for it
https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_by_gender_ratio claims that most Pokemon have a 1 to 1 gender ratio. Why do you think the page is wrong?
@McRib As Mirror already said, I think the chance that the issue is caused by an emulator is far smaller than the chance that the asker just got unlucky.