Gen 9 NU Offensive Pivot

Electrode-Hisui @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Static / Aftermath
Tera Type: Dark / Fairy
EVs: 20 Def / 252 SpA / 236 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Leaf Storm
- Thunderbolt
- Foul Play / Tera Blast
The standard Offensive Pivot set Hisuian Electrode uses in NU. Hisuian Electrode's STAB combination is nice, as not much Pokemon want to switch into either of its STAB moves. The ones who can, such as Goodra, Chansey, and Coalossal to an extent can just get hit by a Volt Switch, allowing Hisuian Electrode to bring in a teammate. Volt Switch is also nice for keeping up or generating momentum. Leaf Storm is a powerful Grass STAB that allows Hisuian Electrode to chip Jolteon as well as Ground-types such as Gligar, Piloswine, Palossand, and Sandaconda. Thunderbolt is Hisuian Electrode's powerful Electric STAB that is also consistent. Foul Play lets Hisuian Electrode eliminate boosted physical wallbreakers such as Tera Steel Belly Drum Hariyama and Swords Dance Decidueye. Foul Play also sends Hoopa to the shadow realm if it hasn't used its Tera. If you use Foul Play, use Tera Dark to gain STAB on Foul Play. Tera Blast can be used with Fairy as the Tera Type to let Hisuian Electrode hit Dragon-types such as Goodra and Tatsugiri.
Heavy-Duty Boots is used to prevent Hisuian Electrode from being chipped by entry hazards. Static lets Hisuian Electrode punish physical wallbreakers who make contact with it with a chance of paralysis, while Aftermath can be used to chip physical wallbreakers who defeat Hisuian Electrode.
20 Defense EVs allow Hisuian Electrode to avoid the 2HKO from Choice Scarf Bruxish's Wave Crash if you haven't used your Tera on Hisuian Electrode. 236 Speed EVs gives Hisuian Electrode enough speed EVs to outspeed Jolteon. 252 Special Attack EVs are used with Modest Nature to give Hisuian Electrode as much power as possible. The reason this set used Modest over Timid Nature is because Hisuian Electrode's base Special Attack is 80, meaning that unless it is a super effective hit, Hisuain Electrode's damage output most of the time will be the equivalent of throwing packing peanuts at someone. With Modest Nature, Hisuian Electrode can have a little more power.