Male Form: Gen 9 NU Choice Specs

Basculegion (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Adaptability
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Shadow Ball
- Ice Beam
- Flip Turn
A Choice Specs set Male Basculegion can use in Gen 9 NU. Yes, I know Male Basculegion has better attack, yes, I know Inteleon and Chandelure exist. There are reasons to why Specs Basculegion Male is actually decent in Gen 9 NU. (See second paragraph) Hydro Pump is used for a powerful Water STAB, with Adapatability and the boost of Choice Specs compensating its base 80 Special Attack. Shadow Ball is used for a Ghost STAB that is useful to hit Pokemon who resist Water moves such as Tauros-Paldea-Aqua and Qwilfish, and can OHKO Galarian Slowbro provdied it's not Assault Vest (though Shadow Ball can break past Assault Vest Glowbro). Ice Beam is used for coverage against Dragon- and Grass-types such as Tsareena, Hisuian Decideueye, Dragalge, Flygon, Altaria, Alolan Exeggutor, Brute Bonnet, and Vileplume. Flip Turn allows Basculegion to switch out against Pokemon such as Registeel, Florges, Umbreon, and Sylveon. Tera Water is used for a slight boost to Hydro Pump due to how Tera and Adaptability interact. Do keep in my that when you Tera, Shadow Ball doesn't get boosted by Adaptability, though realistically you're more likely to use Tera on another Pokemon lol.
Why use Choice Specs Basculegion (Male) over Physical or another Special Wallbreaker?
Before you start asking why you should use Choice Specs Basculegion in NU, read this paragraph (if you couldn't be bothered to read the entire thing, at least read the bolded stuff lol) for the justification. Physical Basculegion doesn't have a good Ghost STAB outside of Tera Blast Ghost. Using Choice Specs actually allows Basculegion to have a decent Ghost STAB without using Tera. Choice Specs Basculegion does face competition from Inteleon as a Special Water-type wallbreaker and Chandelure, but Basculegion does have its perks over them. Adaptabilty Choice Specs Hydro Pump does more damage than Inteleon's Hydro Pump. (Without Tera, both don't really want to use their Tera unless they have to.) Basculegion's secondary STAB move in Shadow Ball lets it break past Pokemon such as Galarian Slowbro, a Pokemon Inteleon can struggle with should Galarian Slowbro Tera into a Water-type. You also have a better matchup against Tauros-Paldea-Aqua than Inteleon, as Basculegion resists its Water STABs, immune to Close Combat, and 68.8% chance to OHKO Tauros-Paldea-Aqua, which is nice to immediately get rid of Tauros-Paldea-Aqua. Basculegion can also live hits from Choice Scarf users that would revnge kill Inteleon and threaten them with an OHKO. Specs Basculegion also serves an alternative over Chandelure. Unlike Choice Specs Chandelure, Choice Specs Basculegion isn't weak to Stealth Rock. This means that Specs Basculegion doesn't die to hazards as quickly as Chandelure. Basculegion also has an advantage over Chandelure when it comes to Porygon2, as you can actually deal damage to Trace Porygon2, whereas Chandelure has to predict a Trick, which is all it can really do against it.
So, uummm, yeah. Even though Choice Specs Basculegion Male is far from its standard sets, it has its perks in NU over Special Wallbreakers such as Inteleon and Chandelure.