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Not sure if already asked; I didn't find it in the 60 seconds I looked.

Must be pretty obvious that it just happened to me (on an emulator, but shouldn't change the odds) so I was just curious about the odds of that since I've reset a LOT and it happened only once so far.

Thanks in advance and be sure to link the question if it's been asked prior,


1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

In R/S/E, all wild Zigzagoon have a 5% chance of holding a Oran Berry. The battle with the Zigzagoon chasing Professor Birch is treated like a battle with any other wild Zigzagoon, so the odds remain the same - 5%

TL;DR: The Zigzagoon has a 5% chance to be holding an Oran Berry


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Hey, thanks for the answer. Can you provide a source for the Zigzagoon being the same as any other wild one? Does it have the same 1/8192 shiny odds and gender ratio as well?
yes, the zigzagoon is the same as any other wild one. It can be shiny, and has 50/50 gender odds.