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Shedinja isn't that great as: hail, sandstorm, curse, burn, poison, hazards etc, all stuff that is found fairly commonly in competitive, insta kill it, as well as like, at least five different types bypass its ability to also insta kill. But for reasons unknown to me it's banned from Ubers. Why?

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NatDex Ubers? It’s stupid with tera, and can wall nearly every threat with several different tera types. Hail and sandstorm are NOT common in Ubers-the only SLIGHTLY relevant mon that has either of these is Tyranitar. Shedinja is seen with heavy duty boots almost always, therefore making hazards irrelevant. Status is its greatest weakness, obviously, but this is why shedinja is banned: needing to have shedinja counterplay to stop it from beating your team SOLO is COMPLETELY uncompetitive.
Oh, sorry I haven't played Ubers before so I don't know what kind of stuff people use
Two things though. I didn't say gen9 ubers, I just said ubers. My brain isn't fully calibrated for gen9. Also, if its not banned from Ubers doesn't mean it's in Ubers. Could have been in a lower tier

1 Answer

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Best answer

Shedinja was banned simply because it was overpowered. This smogon discussion has more information. But simply, with an air balloon (ground immunity) and Tera Electric, it could become almost invincible. It would have no weaknesses, so you could only kill it with status and weather. Shed tail, a move that gives a substitute to another Pokemon, could make Shedinja immune to everything except weather, Mold Breaker, Neutralizing Gas, Teravolt, and Turboblaze Pokemon. This lead to every team needing a Shedinja counter. Shedinja could also run various Tera types for walling specific Pokemon. In short, Shedinja could be almost invincible without dedicated counters, and these counters dying early would mean an auto win for the Shedinja team, and not knowing what Tera type it had would mean wasting precious momentum just to deal with it.

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Thanks that answers my question