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Regieleki @ King's Rock
Ability: Serene Grace
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Needle Arm
- Icicle Crash
- Iron Head
- Rock Slide

I'm thinking of replacing needle arm with steamroller, but can't decide. Also if there are better flinch spammers out there please tell me. Thanks!

Those EVs are illegal, they can only total 510. (Edit: Not in Hackmons.) Both moves have a 30% flinch rate, but Steamroller has 5 higher BP.  It honestly comes down to coverage
King's Rock isn't very good for this set because it doesn't affect moves that already have a flinch chance. And Serene Grace doesn't boost the King's Rock chance on moves that it does affect.
You'll probably get a better answer if you ask here: https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/balanced-hackmons.3710859/
@J Aren't you allowed to have 252 EVs in every stat in BH?

1 Answer

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Hey there. In BH, you could use Population Bomb.

Replace Iron Head with Population Bomb.
Replace Rock Slide with Coil.

King's Rock doesn't affect Iron Head, Icicle Crash or Rock Slide. It also won't affect Needle Arm or Steamroller.

After a Coil, Population Bomb + King's Rock has a 65% chance to cause a flinch + it has its damage multiplied to 1.5.

That is a 200 BP move with 65% chance to flinch multiplied by 1.5

Making him Normal Tera gives him defensive and offensive benefits.

The build would look like:

Regieleki @ King's Rock
Level: 100
Jolly Nature
Tera Type: Normal
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA/ 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Population Bomb
- Coil
- Triple Axel
- Surging Strikes

Triple Axel would be 3 hits every time with respectable damage and about a 50% flinch chance.
Surging Strikes is here for wall breaking with multi-hit crits and also a likely 50% flinch chance.
Population puts out damage and high Flinch Chance. The 89% chance to flinch combined with the damage it is putting out is ridiculous.

Coil + Population Bomb + King's Rock + Serene Grace is pretty busted. It is just shy of a 90% flinch chance. It gets hard countered by Cursed Body. It checks common Imposters pretty well. The 2HKO is tense, but with King's Rock, winning just a single speed tie, the flinch favors you. It pairs well with a Scarfed Imposter Blissey in case the speed tie flubs and you just need to put out damage. There is also Wish + Revival Blessing to consider on a cleric if needed.

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It seems Population Bomb is the new king of Hackmons
Really has merit for being banned. That or King's Rock. 90% flinch rate is far too much. Lol.
why 90%? population bomb might just hit once
That's what Coil is for