PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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The only ones I know are battles, rare candies, and day cares. Please don't question my curiosity.


1 Answer

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Best answer

Day Care
Catching Pokémon
Poké Pelago
Poké Jobs
Let's Go Mode
Pokemon Camp

This is the list I know from memory. I can't find anything else on any of the wikis (and most of these aren't listed on experience pages either, so take that with a grain of salt).

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Good catch on the camp. I never used the feature. Thank you.
You shouldn't answer list-like questions without a source, especially if you say it may be incomplete. I am almost certain this list is incomplete
I literally said in the answer that most of these weren't on the list on any of the wikis. My source was that I've played all the mainline games.

Why would I list a source if the sources are incomplete? I missed one. I think that's an acceptable margin of error, and I even found the one I missed, came back to add it only to find someone edited the answer.

I scoured the wikis some more after posting and referenced every gen's change pages, and nothing more is listed. How exactly would you source that, when the source is literally just one page per item (essentially a list of 10 pages)?

Not raging. Just curious. The best option I have is to make the page myself and add these things to it. Lol.
That's fair, I apologize