PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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So I keep using link trade and offering starters from gen 8 and gen 1. The only one I don't have is bulbasaur and I thought by offering starters the other person might take the hint that I'm looking for starters but so far they only offer me legendary Pokémon and I don't want legendary Pokémon. Is there a better way to communicate what I'm looking for? This trade system seems really hard to use. Am I not using it right? Is there some in game trade language I'm not aware of? Plz help me figure out how to get this message across when link trading. How do I tell the other person I'm looking for a bulbasaur?

Ok so I just got one. But if someone knows how I can better communicate what I'm looking for for future reference id appreciate it if ya said something. Thanks
You could nickname one of your Pokemon something like "Bulbasaur please".
Thanks. This has worked. I got ditto mudkip and beldum by doing what u said so ya that works well

1 Answer

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The methods that I used to use for this are as follows:

  1. Name your Pokemon something like 'Bulbasaur?' or 'Bulbasaurplz'.

  2. Go to the GTS on the mobile version of Pokemon Home, and put in a Pokemon for Bulbasaur. If what you are asking for is desirable, you should get a trade very quickly.

  3. Go to a trading forum like r/Pokemon trades on Reddit, and organize a trade with someone.

People offer legendary Pokemon to see what kind of Pokemon you would offer for them, like shinies.

Hope I could help!

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Unfortunately I can only do option one. I can't post on the trades subreddit because they have stupid rules that technical difficulties prevent me from being able to follow. And I don't have Pokémon home. But I have tried the first one u mentioned and it has worked so thank you
Yup np