Offensive Life Orb

Jolly Nature,
Tera Type: Ground
252 Attack, 6 Sp. Def, 252 Speed.
Item: Life Orb
- Earthquake
- Ice Spinner
- Stone Edge/Supercell Slam
- Rapid Spin
A solid offensive Pokemon that is definitively weaker than its cousin Great Tusk offensively. However, Treads boasts a much higher speed stat and a somewhat better defensive typing, giving it an advantage in certain matchups. With a Life Orb, there is a negligible difference between Great Tusk's Headlong Rush and Iron Tread's Earthquake, while its coverage moves all hit harder. So this set focuses on using its speed and coverage to outspeed and KO threats. It's especially threatening when it has its speed boosted from either Rapid Spin or Quark Drive. Earthquake is an excellent STAB option in general and Ground is an easy type to cover for, so Steel STAB, being mediocre offensively in general, is not needed. Treads already has a favorable matchup against Fairy types even without it. Ice Spinner pairs with Ground STAB to automatically satisfy most of Treads' coverage needs, easily making it 2nd most often used attack on this set. The choice of Stone Edge and Supercell Slam depends on what you to have a better matchup against. They both give you the ability to hit Flying Types harder than Ice Spinner, with the extra coverage being nice if you don't want to remove Terrain. Stone Edge hits more things supereffectively in general, but Supercell Slam hits notable Pokemon such as Pelipper and the Steel/Flyings hard. It also improves its matchup against Water-types, especially in the presence of Electric Terrain.
Ground Tera type is preferred to give Earthquake the ability to push through targets lategame, while also removing its irksome weakness to Ground. This can make Treads an effective cleaner with its speed boosted by Rapid Spin, which is used in the last slot not only to support itself with the speed boost but to also clear hazards away for its team.