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If you have a good competitive moveset for Brambleghast, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Brambleghast Pokedex & learnset for reference.

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4 Answers

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Gen 9 Monotype Offensive Spikes (Ghost)

Brambleghast @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Infiltrator / Wind Rider
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Spikes
- Power Whip
- Shadow Sneak
- Rapid Spin

An Offensive Spikes setter for Ghost-teams in Monotype. Spikes is used to chip opposing grounded Pokemon switching. Power Whip is used for a powerful Grass STAB. Shadow Sneak is used for a priority Ghost STAB that allows Brambleghast to revenge kill fast and weakened Pokemon. Rapid Spin is used to get rid of entry hazards on your side.

Heavy-Duty Boots is used to prevent Brambleghast from getting chipped by entry hazards. Infiltrator is used as the Ability to ignore screens and Substitute. Wind Rider can be used instead to have an immunity to wind moves such as Icy Wind and Hurricane, which can help with some leads such as Froslass. 252 HP EVs are used for bulk. 4 Speed EVs are used to outspeed opposing Adamant Brambleghast that aren't using any Speed EVs.

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Gen 9 Monotype Defensive Spikes (Ghost)

Brambleghast @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Infiltrator
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 24 Def / 232 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Spikes
- Power Whip
- Rapid Spin
- Strength Sap

A Defensive Spikes setter for Ghost-teams in Monotype. Spikes is used to chip grounded Pokemon switching in. Power Whip is used for a strong Grass STAB. Rapid Spin is used to clear away hazards on your side. Strength Sap is used for HP recovery and lowering the attack stat of opposing Pokemon.

Heavy-Duty Boots is used to prevent Brambleghast from getting chipped by entry hazards. Infiltrator is used as the Ability to be able to hit Pokemon with a Substitute up and ignore screens. 252 HP EVs are used for bulk. 232 Speed EVs with a Jolly Nature allow Brambleghast to outspeed Max Speed Jolly Great Tusk. The 24 EVs are used in Defense since they are leftover EVs.

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Gen 9 NU HO Lead

Brambleghast @ Focus Sash
Ability: Wind Rider
Tera Type: Fairy / Ghost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Poltergeist
- Curse

If you feel like using an Brambleghast as an HO lead in NU, here you go. Brambleghast is nice as a HO lead in NU due to its Ghost typing letting it spinblock opposing leads, and utility in Spikes and Curse to help the breakers and sweepers on your team. Spikes lets Brambleghast set a hazard that chips grounded Pokemon to weaken them for Brambleghast's teammates. Rapid Spin allows Brambleghast to spin away any hazards on its side. Poltergeist is used for a powerful Ghost STAB that is useful to chip opposing Pokemon. Curse is used to allow Brambleghast to force chip on opposing Pokemon at the cost of losing HP, with the Curse chip giving an opportunity for a Pokemon on your team to setup and break down a team. Focus Sash is used to guarantee Brambleghast can setup a Spike. You aren't really going to want to Tera with Brambleghast, but Fairy can be used to resist Dark moves... Or you could just have Ghost as the Tera Type and don't use your Tera on Brambleghast.

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Gen 9 NU Choice Band

Brambleghast @ Choice Band
Ability: Wind Rider
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Power Whip
- Poltergeist
- Tera Blast
- Shadow Sneak

Choice Band Brambleghast is quite a funny wallbreaker in NU, with decent attack and speed stats along with STAB moves that have a high BP (Base Power). Quite a shame it doesn't outspeed Krookodile, though. This set only uses STAB moves since Brambleghast's STAB combination is nice coverage on its own, with only a few Pokemon in the tier being able to resist the combination.

Power Whip is Brambleghast's strongest STAB in general, being a Grass move not even Dark-types want to switch into. Krookodile gets smacked in the face by Power Whip, being sent flying to Mars. (In simpler terms, Power Whip OHKOs Krookodile) Umbreon gets 2HKOed by Power Whip, so it doesn't want to directly switch in. Brute Bonnet and Alolan Muk take decent chip from Power Whip, meaning Alolan Muk can realistically only switch in once (Brute Bonnet has Sucker Punch to force Brambleghast to switch). Incinceroar is the only Dark-type that can easily switch into Power Whip without taking too much damage. Power Whip is also useful to OHKO Swampert. Poltergeist is Brambleghast's strongest Ghost STAB, being useful to hit Pokemon who resist Power Whip such as Talonflame, Dragalge, Magnezone, Chandelure, Thundurus, and Vileplume. Shadow Sneak is used to allow Brambleghast to have a priority move to pick off faster Pokemon. Tera Ghost is used to give power to Brambleghast's Ghost STAB, and gives Brambleghast a secondary Ghost STAB in Tera Blast. Wind Rider is used for the Ability so Brambleghast can switch into wind moves such as Hurricane. It is also useful if you decide you want to make a Tailwind team with Brambleghast on the Tailwind team so it can have another attack boost in addition to the Choice Band boost. If you decide to go the Tailwind team route, some Tailwind setters you can use are Tornadus, Whimsicott, and Shiftry.

While Tera Blast Ghost may seem like a weird option since Brambleghast already has Poltergeist, there are a couple reasons for this. Tera Blast Ghost doesn't rely on the opposing Pokemon holding an item, which is useful if you had another Pokemon use Knock Off against opposing Pokemon, face itemless Pokemon, are the opposing Pokemon has a consumable item that they used. Tera Blast Ghost also gives Brambleghast an accurate STAB move, being useful to clean with late-game against a weakened team if you don't want to risk a Poltergeist miss.
