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If you have a good competitive moveset for Squawkabilly, post an answer below and upvote the best ones.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Squawkabilly Pokedex & learnset for reference.

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2 Answers

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Squawkabilly @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
Tera Type: Normal / Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Facade
- Brave Bird
- Quick Attack / Aerial Ace / Reversal / U-Turn
- Protect / Aerial Ace / Reversal / U-Turn

God this thing is terrible. At least it gets Guts Facade? Flame Orb burns you and activates Guts, making you strong (not really). Tera Normal allows Facade to do at least some damage (please don't use your Tera this way), and powers up Quick Attack. Brave Bird is decently strong, but does recoil, and with Flame Orb, you can't spam it, but hey! This thing has no niche other than doing a bit of damage, so more, the better. Aerial Ace is an "alternative" to Quick Attack, allowing you to have some Flying damage that doesn't do recoil, but since it is so weak, I wouldn't recommend it. Protect allows you to get in your Flame Orb. This thing is really frail, so being able to get in Guts without immediately dying is nice. It could be replaced by Aerial Ace if you are running Quick Attack, but it is pretty slow, so I wouldn't recommend it. A possible neat gimmick could be replacing Quick Attack / Aerial Ace or Protect / Aerial Ace with Reversal, allowing it to harm Steel types, but Brave Bird Flame Orb will probably kill you before you can use Reversal. That said, if you get your HP low enough with recoil and burn, it could be a nice surprise. If you replace Quick Attack / Aerial Ace, then Protect could get you into a good range for Reversal (possibly). U-Turn is a good option for pivoting out of bad match ups. It should replace your 3rd or 4th move slot, as Bbird and Facade are mainstays (thank you VoltMadness for telling me about U-Turn). If you run Reversal, then Tera Fighting could be an option to make Reversal pack more of a punch, but you shouldn't waste your Tera on this thing anyway.


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If you’re concerned about it being frail, why not add Roost as an option?
This whole thing's set is basically do some damage and die. Even if you recover 50% with Roost, you will die to basically any middle of the road attack, so why run Roost when you can maximize your damage? This thing has freaking 51 in both defenses and 82 in HP, it basically can't tank anything. Also, Burn damage. Besides, if you are running Reversal, it would be counterproductive to use Roost.
0 votes

Squawkabilly @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Steel / Water / Fairy / Ghost
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Parting Shot
- Roost
- Taunt
- Brave Bird / Foul Play / U-Turn

Alright, it gets Intimidate to lower Attack and Parting Shot so I guess it can have some utility. HDB allows you to not take hazard damage. Intimidate allows it to take one hit from a neutral physical attack (not really, only if it is a weak support mon), provided it isn't choiced. Tera Steel is good defensive typing, and if you've seen my other defensive mon posts, then you know what your other options are (Fairy gives good resistance to Knock Off, Water gives good resistances with only 2 weaknesses, and Ghost blocks spin). Just don't Tera this thing in all honesty though. Parting Shot lets you lower the opponents offensive stats, which is a nice utility. Roost gives healing, nothing else needed. Taunt allows other mons not to use status moves, which is good for stopping walls from healing. Brave Bird does a decent amount of damage to something it is SE against (and makes you not Taunt bait). Foul Play punishes things setting up against it (physical attackers) and also allows you not to be fully Taunt bait. U-Turn allows you to pivot out when you are Taunt bait, but removes all of its damage output in exchange. Alright if you ARE going to use it, use Guts.
