Gen 9 NU Fillet Away

Veluza @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Mold Breaker
Tera Type: Fighting / Fairy
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fillet Away
- Stored Power
- Tera Blast
- Recover / Hydro Pump
You probably see two things on this set that might seem weird, but they work. The first thing you probably noticed is that this is a Special set. Yes, I know Veluza has a base 78 Special Attack, but Special Veluza is actually a thing in Gen 9 NU. Special Veluza helps Veluza break through physically defensive Pokemon in the tier such as Vaporeon, Drifblim, Crocalor, Braviary, and Tauros. Going Special also means Veluza can avoid Rocky Helmet damage, which it doesn't appreciate considering Fillet Away takes away 50% of your HP. The second thing is the Ability being Mold Breaker. Mold Breaker is used over Sharpness since it allows you to bypass Crocalor's Unaware and Vaporeon's Water Absorb, which allows you to not get walled by Tera Dark Vaporeon.
Fillet Away boost your Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 2 stages at the cost of 50% HP. Stored Power becomes a 140 BP Psychic STAB when you get the opportunity to use Fillet Away. Tera Blast Fighting / Fairy allows Veluza to have a move that deals super effective damage to Dark-types. Tera Blast Fighting is also useful against Steel-types, while Tera Blast Fairy is also useful for Dragon-types. Recover lets Veluza recover HP and should be used if you predict/force a switch. Hydro Pump can be used instead to have a strong Water STAB.