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Corvikinight is a bulky mon, It can be use as a body press + piviot pokemon , and a stall and whatever sets you throw it so in my opinon it's a good mon than flamigo

4 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

Flamigo is definitely one of the top 4 or 5 Pokemon that you can use in SV and likely the best flying Pokemon in the whole game. You can catch it at level 17 relatively early. At this point, it already has 115 base physical attack, double kick, and wing attack, and it learns low kick just one level later. This lets Flamigo immediately start putting in work in the next few boss battles. Flamigo's flying and fighting attacks are resisted by few and super effective against many opponents, especially if you use one with scrappy. 90 base speed isn't too far above average, but Flamigo still outspeeds almost everything because overleveling a Pokemon is easy in SV. Acrobatics and close combat are both powerful and spammable despite technically having drawbacks. Flamigo also learns throat chop, which improves its coverage.
tldr The current world record speedrun used a Flamigo, so it'll probably be useful for you too.

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2 votes

I feel like corviknight is better because for most the pawmi line is essential for a playthrough, and overlaps the fighting type with flamigo (i made this mistake so I am experienced).

What makes the Pawmi line essential for a playthrough?
I'm using Pawmot, so that's helpful. But what makes my precious boy essential?
Maybe because of Revival Blessing
Revives exist
Pawmi isn't "essential" but it's definitely hard to argue with. It's one of only a few Pokemon available early-game that doesn't taper off in the latter stages and comes with a genuinely good level-up movepool.
Good thing I'm using it then
pawmot's good but i think flamigo is better personally, as he has a higher BST (albeit not by much) and i had used both flamigo and pawmot but only used flamigo in my final team. he doesn't get as much coverage but a 500 BST pokemon in early game allows flamigo to pretty much carry you through low level areas while pawmi and pawmo were too weak. that being said i also have an extreme bias towards flamingos
Pawmot is not essential. Just like Pawmot, Flamigo is available early, doesn't taper off, and has a good level up movepool. Flamigo also has better offensive typing and doesn't need to evolve before getting good stats.
0 votes

Short answer: Neither
Long answer:

Flamigo has good-ish stats at 115 base Attack and 90 Speed (only average), but only has access to Close Combat and Brave Bird (the only two moves that actually allows you to sweep in this game) only late game (7th-8th Gym), and its Fighting/Flying type has 5 weaknesses, some of which (Flying and Electric) have Pokemon that can easily outspeed you.

Corviknight, on the other hand, is slightly better. It has 105 base Defense, but all else about Corviknight is not good. Due to it having only a base attack stat of 87, all it can do is to use Iron Defence+Body Press, which will not work against Ghost type Pokemon. On top of that, a speed stat of 67 makes it weak to any half decent sweeper.

All in all, both Pokemon are not really good if you are finding a bird for your team. If you need one, you can use Kilowattrel or Staraptor, both as easily gotten as the above two.

Hope I helped!

90 base speed is already above average, and Flamigo can outspeed almost anything because overleveling in SV is easy. Flamigo's best flying move is acrobatics, which is obtainable before Brassius and the Open Sky Titan and doesn't have recoil. Defensive typing doesn't matter too much when Flamigo is outspeeding and OHKOing a lot of things.
Staraptor and Kilowattrel both need to evolve before getting good stats, and they both have worse offensive typing than Flamigo. Kilowattrel also has a worse movepool, as its special STAB moves are either weaker than acrobatics and close combat or they have worse drawbacks.
–1 vote

Coviknight is better because of its Flying/Steel Type. While Flamigo is only available if you have a Pikachu/Raichu on your side!

What do you mean by that last sentence?
Why do you need the Pikachu line?