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And maybe put the pokémon that can have them, if possible

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Lingering Aroma
Contact with the Pokémon changes the attacker’s
Ability to Lingering Aroma.
Pokemon that can have it: Oinkologne

Seed Sower
Turns the ground into Grassy Terrain when the Pokémon
is hit by an attack.
Pokemon that can have it: Arboliva

Thermal Exchange
Boosts the Attack stat when the Pokémon is hit by a Fire-type move. The Pokémon also cannot be burned.
Pokemon that can have it: Frigibax, Arctibax and Baxcalibur

Anger Shell
When an attack causes its HP to drop to half or less, the
Pokémon gets angry. This lowers its Defense and Sp. Def
stats but boosts its Attack, Sp. Atk, and Speed stats.
Pokemon that can have it: Klawf

Purifying Salt
The Pokémon’s pure salt protects it from status
conditions and halves the damage taken from
Ghost-type moves.
Pokemon that can have it: Nacli, Naclstack and Garganacl

Well-Baked Body
The Pokémon takes no damage when hit by Fire-type
moves. Instead, its Defense stat is sharply boosted.
Pokemon that can have it: Dachsbun

Wind Rider
Boosts the Pokémon’s Attack stat if Tailwind takes effect
or if the Pokémon is hit by a wind move. The Pokémon
also takes no damage from wind moves.
Pokemon that can have it: Bramblin and Brambleghast

Guard Dog
Boosts the Pokémon’s Attack stat if intimidated.
Moves and items that would force the Pokémon
to switch out also fail to work.
Pokemon that can have it: Mabosstiff

Rocky Payload
Powers up Rock-type moves.
Pokemon that can have it: Bombirdier

Wind Power
The Pokémon becomes charged when it is hit by a wind
move, boosting the power of the next Electric-type
move the Pokémon uses.
Pokemon that can have it: Wattrel and Kilowattrel

Zero to Hero
The Pokémon transforms into its Hero Form when it
switches out.
Pokemon that can have it: Palafin

When the Pokémon enters a battle, it goes inside the
mouth of an ally Dondozo if one is on the field.
Pokemon that can have it: Tatsugiri

The Pokémon becomes charged when it takes damage,
boosting the power of the next Electric-type move the
Pokémon uses.
Pokemon that can have it: Bellibolt

Boosts the Pokémon’s most proficient stat in harsh
sunlight or if the Pokémon is holding Booster Energy.
Pokemon that can have it: Great Tusk, Scream Tail, Brute Bonnet, Flutter Mane, Slither Wing, Sandy Shocks, Roaring Moon, Gouging fire, Raging Bolt and Walking Wake

Quark Drive
Boosts the Pokémon’s most proficient stat on Electric
Terrain or if the Pokémon is holding Booster Energy.
Pokemon that can have it: Iron Treads, Iron Bundle, Iron Hands, Iron Jugulis, Iron Moth, Iron Thorns, Iron Valiant, Iron Boulder, Iron Crown and Iron Leaves

Good as Gold
A body of pure, solid gold gives the Pokémon full
immunity to other Pokémon’s status moves.
Pokemon that can have it: Gholdengo

Vessel of Ruin
The power of the Pokémon’s ruinous vessel lowers the
Sp. Atk stats of all Pokémon except itself.
Pokemon that can have it: Ting - Lu

Sword of Ruin
The power of the Pokémon’s ruinous sword lowers the
Defense stats of all Pokémon except itself.
Pokemon that can have it: Chien - Pao

Tablets of Ruin
The power of the Pokémon’s ruinous wooden tablets
lowers the Attack stats of all Pokémon except itself.
Pokemon that can have it: Wo - Chien

Beads of Ruin
The power of the Pokémon’s ruinous beads lowers the
Sp. Def stats of all Pokémon except itself.
Pokemon that can have it: Chi - Yu

Orichalcum Pulse
Turns the sunlight harsh when the Pokémon enters a
battle. The ancient pulse thrumming through the
Pokémon also boosts its Attack stat in harsh sunlight.
Pokemon that can have it: Koraidon

Hadron Engine
Turns the ground into Electric Terrain when the Pokémon
enters a battle. The futuristic engine within the Pokémon
also boosts its Sp. Atk stat on Electric Terrain.
Pokemon that can have it: Miraidon

If an opponent’s stat is boosted, the Pokémon seizes the
opportunity to boost the same stat for itself.
Pokemon that can have it: Espathra

Cud Chew
When the Pokémon eats a Berry, it will regurgitate
that Berry at the end of the next turn and eat it one
more time.
Pokemon that can have it: Farigiraf and Paldean Tauros

Powers up slicing moves.
Pokemon that can have it: Gallade, Veluza, Hisuanian Samurott and Kleavor

Supreme Overlord
When the Pokémon enters a battle, its Attack and
Sp. Atk stats are slightly boosted for each of the allies
in its party that have already been defeated.
Pokemon that can have it: Kingambit

When the Pokémon enters a battle, it copies an ally’s
stat changes.
Pokemon that can have it: Flamigo

Toxic Debris
Scatters poison spikes at the feet of the opposing team
when the Pokémon takes damage from physical moves.
Pokemon that can have it: Glimmet and Glimmora

Armor Tail
The mysterious tail covering the Pokémon’s head makes
opponents unable to use priority moves against the
Pokémon or its allies.
Pokemon that can have it: Farigiraf

Earth Eater
If hit by a Ground-type move, the Pokémon has its HP
restored instead of taking damage.
Pokemon that can have it: Orthworm

Mycelium Might
The Pokémon will always act more slowly when using
status moves, but these moves will be unimpeded by
the Ability of the target.
Pokemon that can have it: Toedscool and Toedscruel

I think this is all. Hopefully it is correct

edited by
Tank u
Oricalchum pulse & Hadron engine are the best, but the Ruin abilities are epic in single battles. for Non-legendaries, Supreme Overlord, Good as gold, and Purifying salt are the easy best options.
Protosynthesis and quark Drive are also on walking wake and iron leaves respectively, although this answer was made before they were added.
Thanks, I edited it.