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I don't even mind eviolite Pokemon just make sure their good.


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As things stand right now, only Excadrill. It's the only mon that isn't solely dedicated to rapid spinning as it also serves as a cleaner on sand teams. With its bff Tyranitar, Excadrill gets the support it needs via sand stream. Excadrill usually runs sd, iron head, eq and spin as its moveset with either lefties or air balloon as its item

The two other mon that can use spin and are even ranked is Regileki and that mon gets blanked by every ground type in existence and even gets punished if it tries to spin against Garchomp while the last one, Torkoal, is only restricted to sun and nothing else

In previous gens, the other spinners that weren't garbage against the metagame included Starmie and to a limited extent, Foretress. Tentacruel was also a notable one with it being immortal under permanent rain but that only happened in gen five. As sumwun said, Claydol was a decent spinner in gen three while Cloyster was in the same boat in gen two but I can't be sure if it does the same in gen three. Golem was also a good spinner in gen two and it can even go boom if it wants to

Since its introduction in the game, the only decent spinners have been Starmie, Foretress and Excadrill. Altho none of them are ou by tiering, the first two do suck in current gen and because of a tiering decision a couple months back, Excadrill cannot rise to ou despite our mole friend having enough usage in the tier

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Cloyster and Claydol both have a solid amount of viability in gen 3 OU, and Golem can know rapid spin only in gen 2.
(also Torkoal is ranked on the gen 8 OU rankings, even though it's almost at the bottom)
Fair enough. Gonna add them