What are the new options, and which are viable in which tiers? Most people are still using most of the Gen V spinner sets, and there's a lot of new threats against these guys as of recently...
The only Pokémon that can learn Rapid Spin and are even considered using in the Ubers tier is Excadrill and perhaps Mega Blastoise.
Excadrill Mega Blastoise Forretress (thanks HaunterTheGhost)
Excadrill (thanks HaunterTheGhost) Mega Blastoise Starmie Tentacruel Forretress Donphan Cloyster
Blastoise Claydol Kabutops Hitmontop Avalugg
Because of the weather nerf in Generation VI, I'm pretty sure Drizzle + Swift Swim in now viable. If that's the case then Kabutops could possibly come out of RU and be in UU.
I'm not exactly sure where I should place Avalugg, since the Gen VI tiers have not been released. But I doubt it's going to be placed any higher than UU, so it's a choice of UU and RU.
Sandslash Armaldo Cryogonal
Again if Drizzle + Swift Swim in now viable, Armaldo could potentially come out of NU and be in RU.
Wartortle Torkoal Delibird Spinda
Squirtle Sandshrew Staryu Baltoy Pineco Tyrogue Drilbur Tentacool Shellder Kabuto Anorith Bergmite
This list includes every Pokémon that can learn Rapid Spin.
Smogon have not released their Generation VI tiers as far as I know, so if anyone disagrees with what tier I have put a certain Pokémon in leave a comment and I can move them to a different tier. Please do not vote this down this took a lot of time and effort to do.
Hope I helped :)
Mega Blastoise
Sources:Yahoo and Marriland
Avalugg and Begmite is the only Pokemon in gen Vl thats have Rapid Spin ![enter image description here][1]
Avalugg@leftovers Trait Sturdy Brave +Atk -Spe EVs 252Hp 128 Attack 128 Sdef
Rapid Spin Earthquake Recover Avalanche
Use Recover if sturdy activates. But if its hazard out there use RS first Equake for coverage and Avalanche for Stab
Hope it helps
TM 87 ~(☆-♥)~ [1]: http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/avalugg-2.gif