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I am trying to breed my Kangaskhan with male Slowpoke but the daycare guy says they dont seem to like eachother but they are both in Monster group. If I level up my slowpoke to Slowbro, will they like eachother better? Before I expend my time leveling up Slowpoke to Slowbro, is there an online calculation/list for this that shows the chances of egg for every possible parents, other than checking the egg group? TIA!

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Your chance of getting an egg should be at least 20% and more if you have an oval charm.
Thanks sunwun. Im playing on soulsilver so oval charm hasnt existed but im looking for a calculator that tells me the compatibility of two of every pokemons.
But you brought an interesting point, I didnt know that if both pokemon’s original trainer are the same does affect. When did this start to have an effect?
I updated the question to focus on Gen 4. If you're concerned with a particular game/generation then you should include that in the question.
OT has affected breeding rates ever since breeding was introduced in Gen 2.
Fizz- this question has no relevance to which generation. This is a general question whether there is a compatibility calculator or some kind of list online for two of every pokemons, ie charizard and magmar. Charmeleon and magmar. Etc and their percentages. Nothing about which game or generation
Such things vary by generation (as you yourself recognised with the Oval Charm), but if you're really unhappy about the change then get rid of it.
Get rid of what?
You can remove the part of the question I added that says "gen 4" if you want an answer for generations other than gen 4 as well.
OK, I updated the answer with generational differences.
Again I want to emphasise that there is no such thing as an "egg % compatibility" (from the title). There is a set of rules that Pokemon must follow to be compatible; it's a yes or no question whether they follow them, not a percentage.
Youre right- I deviated from the context. I meant, will breeding Slowbro with Kangaskhan upgrade to “seem to get along” from “prefer to play with other pokemons” with Slowpoke. You get where I am headed to. I guess they dont make difference if its pre evolution and in the same egg group, and that there is no levels to it.
Instead of checking the egg groups, id be surprised if there is no website to check this quicker. That is what I am looking for
If you are seeing "prefer to play with other Pokemon", then your Pokemon aren't compatible. This must be because they have the same gender. Evolving Slowpoke will not change this, because it will still have the same gender after it evolves. In general, there is no way to breed two Pokemon of the same gender.
The gender was never the issue here. No, my slowpoke is male. Thats why i was asking if pre evolutions had any effect to it
I don't really understand what you're asking, then. Hopefully I've said something at some point that was relevant.
(this is assuming both your Pokemon have the same OT, please correct me if they don't)

Your Kangaskhan and Slowpoke have different species and the same OT, which means you should look at the third row in the table. The oval charm doesn't exist in your game, so your breeding chance is 20% for every 256 steps.

If you evolve your Slowpoke into Slowbro, you still have different species, same OT, and no oval charm, so you look at the same part of the table and you still have 20% breeding chance.

I don't know if there's a website that does the calculation and doesn't require you to manually look up the egg groups. Do you want me to put this question back on the unanswered list?

1 Answer

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Best answer

There is no website that lists out every possible breeding matchup and says whether it is compatible (or what their breeding rate is). Such a thing is highly unnecessary, as breeding compatibility and breeding rates can both be distilled down to a simple table, like this one on Bulbapedia. This table explains everything you need to know, but I will also give an explanation in this answer.

I think some terminology is being muddled in this thread, so to be absolutely clear:

  • Breeding compatibility refers to whether a pair of Pokemon will ever breed; either "yes" or "no". Breeding compatibility is no more complex than this list of rules:
    • If one Pokemon is male and the other is female, and they share any Egg Group except Undiscovered, then the Pokemon are compatible.
    • If one Pokemon is Ditto and the other is not in the Undiscovered Egg Group, then the Pokemon are compatible.
    • All other pairs of Pokemon are incompatible.
  • Breeding rate refers to the chance that a compatible pair will produce an Egg. This chance is applied each time the game attempts to generate an Egg, which it does with every 256 steps you take in-game (so you can try an infinite number of times by walking/biking forever). The only two factors affecting breeding rate are a) the species of the two Pokemon and b) the OT of the two Pokemon.

The table on Bulbapedia is showing the breeding rates. The breeding rate is highest when the species is the same and the OT is different. If the Pokemon are not compatible, then we say the breeding rate is zero.

To emphasise: if the Pokemon are compatible, then the breeding rate is always above zero, so all you need to do is walk/bike around a lot in game and the Pokemon will eventually breed. People tend not to care about the breeding rate for compatible Pokemon, because that's always at least 20%, which is quite high.

To connect to your scenario: your Kangaskhan and Slowpoke are compatible as long as they are opposite genders. You cannot change their breeding rate because you cannot make Slowpoke and Kangaskhan have the same species and you cannot change a Pokemon's OT. Their breeding rate depends on whether their OT is the same; use the table on Bulbapedia to see the difference this makes. As explained above, the level of the Pokemon is not a factor for the breeding rate, so levelling up Slowpoke will not affect the breeding rate.

(In Black/White 2 onward, you can boost the breeding rate with an Oval Charm. In Gen 2, breeding rates are considerably lower than in other generations, and there is an extra way for Pokemon to be incompatible that depends on their IVs. Again, all of this is covered comprehensively by the tables on Bulbapedia, to where it is very pointless to list out every possible combination.)

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I feel like it's simpler to explain compatibility by saying any 2 Pokemon that meet one of these conditions is compatible.

One is male, one is female, and they share at least one egg group (besides undiscovered).
One of them is Ditto, and the other one is not in the undiscovered or Ditto egg group.
I think "opposite genders" is a bit vague. I rather be explicit about how genderless Pokemon are handled, but that explanation also works.
Does breeding kangaskhan with slowbro produce more eggs than slowpoke would with kangaskhan?
Kangashkan is a different species to both Slowbro and Slowpoke, so no, the breeding rate is not changed.
Ok seems like im missing something here after rethinking this again- both Kangaskhan and Slowpoke is in monster group.  Why is the daycare guy saying they both dont seem to like eachother? I am getting eggs but not as many as I expected. Is this because Monster group doesnt make eggs as often as other egg groups?
Again, the table on Bulbapedia explains this. If the day care helper says the Pokemon "don't like each other much", it means that the Pokemon are compatible, and the breeding rate (chance per 256 steps) is 20%. You get this rate when the Pokemon are different species and have the same OT.
Different egg groups do not have different breeding rates. You can trust that what I have written in the answer is comprehensive as to factors that affect breeding rate and breeding compatibility. You don't need to guess reasons why things are happening; all the reasons are in the answer and table we keep linking to you.

@sumwun that's better, will edit