PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Hi there, newcomer to the site. I was wondering if anyone knew of a lead on a glitch or exploit to walk on water (or trigger the generic Surf sprite) in ORAS for before getting to use Surf by defeating Norman. I’m trying to settle a thing and premature water access would do wonders.

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Mr. Briney can take you to Dewford Town and Slateport City, but I don't think there's anything else you can do.

2 Answers

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There is no mention of any surf glitches on the Bulbapedia page, except for the game crashing if you're surfing on a Wailmer and it evolves.

Link to ORAS glitch page

Even if you had a Pokemon with surf, the only way to travel through water in ORAS is with Surf as a Field Move, which needs the Balance Badge, the Fifth Badge, to work.

In certain games, Surf requires a specific badge to use outside of battle; the Soul Badge (RBY/FRLG), Fog Badge (GSC/HGSS), Balance Badge (RSE/ORAS), Relic Badge (DP/BDSP), Fen Badge (Pt), or Rumble Badge (XY).


The Balance Badge is the fifth badge in Pokemon: Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. This badge must be obtained from Gym Leader Norman, who uses Normal-type Pokemon.


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I don't think there's any possible way of using surf before the 5th gym, as it only lets you use it after getting tm+badge.
Maybe through cheating/emulation, but I'm not too familiar with that.
Source - experience+researching glitches on yt.
