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What is the highest base stat Pokemon you can legally obtain at level 1? I am simply referring to a Pokemon's total base stats. The Pokemon must be legally obtainable in game at level 1. I am looking for non-altered form Pokemon, however you may give them if you think of any.

Some examples I was able to find are:

Porygon-Z: 535 (Trade)
Aerodactyl: 515 (Egg)

These don't count:

Rayquaza: 680 (Can't obtain at level one)
Mega Aerodactyl: 615 (Altered Form)

Thank You!

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1 Answer

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Best answer

You can get a level 1 Dialga, Palkia and Giratina in HGSS. They can be received from the Arceus Event in the Sinjoh Ruins.

(...) The player must go to the Sinjoh Ruins and speak with Cynthia, and, after some time, Arceus will create a member of the creation trio which will be at level 1 and have a basic moveset.


Their BST is 680, which is more than any other Pokémon that can be legally obtained at level 1.

This video explains how you can get the three.

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This seems like the answer. To be honest, I should have said no legionaries. I would love to know what the answer is without special events.

Thank You!
Trading a Feebas with Prism Scale (before Gen 5) would get you a level 1 Milotic (540 BST).
It's possible to hatch a Snorlax directly from an egg. That ties with Milotic.
Wouldn't that be through a glitch/hack? If those are counted, then a level 1 Dragapult (600 BST) can also be hatched from an egg.
@Carnelian a Snorlax bred without holding a Full Incense will produce Snorlax eggs.