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So, with the Pokémon Masters anniversary event going on, there was a reward where they gave you a Super BP Voucher. With the Super BP Voucher you can pick (all of these are support and 5 star)

Nita and Landorus

Evelyn and Entei

Scottie/Bettie and Cobalion

Scottie/Bettie and Regirock

Scottie/Bettie and Mesprit

So which one is best? I picked Regirock because he's my BOY, but which one is best based on the stats. Basically is it worth using compared to other pairs that have the same type, class, and function.


1 Answer

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Best answer

The best of these is either Cobalion or Mesprit. Cobalion has excellent utility: max team crits, Defense debuffs from Rock Smash, and Move Gauge Acceleration are usually more helpful than what the other Pokemon offer. Mesprit has a niche in dual screens and decent offensive pressure. The others are probably not worth using your ticket, unless you'd like to get a non-protagonist character (e.g. Evelyn and Entei).

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best master bp sync pair? (Reddit)
Just got a Bp sync pair super voucher! Who should I use it to get first? (Reddit)

Do note that I don't actually play Masters EX, so I can't go any more in-depth on why these two are apparently better :P

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