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I was planning to use Unburden Hawlucha in an Ultra Moon playthrough and teach it Fling, but then I remembered that if you use it against Wild Pokémon or in NPC Trainer Battles, you don’t get the item back afterwards. Is Unburden worth it for a playthrough or should I just get Limber to prevent paralysis? If this was for competitive I’d use Unburden but I’m not sure now.

It doesn't matter. When in ingame playthrus, abilities don't really matter that much unless you are doing some sort of challenge. Either will do just fine since I don't think there are that many reliable sources of paralysis in the game
The in-game trade Hawlucha always comes with unburden. Are you not going to use that one?

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Limber isn't great because few opponents inflict paralysis in USUM, and you can use a Full Heal or Pokemon Refresh's Affection to cure it. It's helpful in niche instances though, especially if you loathe paralysis with every fibre of your being.

Unburden is equally mediocre because Hawlucha will likely be outspeeding most things in-game anyways, so the boost is usually irrelevant. The only items you can really use in conjunction with it are Berries, because other consumables like the Focus Sash aren't practical in-game. Its one advantage is boosting Acrobatics' power, but Hawlucha is frail and might get OHKOed if you're trying to proc its Berry in a battle.

Overall, a Pokemon usually has an Ability that's better than the other, but in your case, I legitimately don't see one having a noticeable advantage. You can use either to equal success, as both are unlikely to make much of an impact on Hawlucha's effectiveness.

Tl;dr Limber if you hate paralysis or Unburden if you have a surplus of Berries and like using Acrobatics, but it really doesn't matter whatsoever.

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1 vote

I think Unburden is better because you can use a berry for the item and put swords dance for a massive sweep, that’s a set I would recommend:

Hawlucha @ Any Berry
Ability: Unburden
Adamant Nature
-High Jump Kick
-Swords Dance

Hope I helped!

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