PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Suppose my active Pokémon was hit with a move that managed to KO it only because a status condition was applied during the in between turn. Would my opponent take a prize card in that case?
Also, if you used a move, trainer card, ability, or had a self-applied condition that KO'ed your active Pokémon, would the opponent be able to draw a prize card? Why or why not?
Thanks in advance!


1 Answer

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Best answer

To kill two birds with one stone, the answer to both of your questions is yes.

A Pokemon is considered Knocked Out if it has damage counters on it equal to or greater than its hp. It makes no difference whether the final damage was from an attack, a Special Condition, ability, or a Trainer card (such as Damage Mover), even if the damage was from yourself.

Well, as it says in the Pokemon TCG Rulings Compendium:

Whenever a Pokémon is Knocked Out, the other player gets Prize cards -- even if you Knock Out your own.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-02-10)

It doesn't matter who Knocked Out the Pokemon or how it was done -- if a Pokemon is Knocked Out, the opposing player always gets a prize card.

Sources: This and my own experience playing the TCG

Aren't there a few Pokemon cards with abilities that prevent the opponent from taking a prize card?
I believe there are cards that do that as I seem to recall seeing one somewhere. And it would make some sense. I mean, there are cards that tounch every other aspect of the game, so why not that one? Anyway, thanks Joey!
@sumwun yes, Shedinja has had a few different abilities that have had that effect. There is one Shedinja that has an ability called Vessel of Life, and it allows you to play Shedinja as a Pokemon Tool. If the pokemon that Shedinja is attached to is Knocked Out, the opposing player takes 1 fewer prize card. There was also Life Dew from earlier expansions.