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the moves include all moves from the Pokemon database, combination should be able to hit most Pokemon for supereffective damage. and if such a Pokemon exists, what would be the best counter to this Pokemon?

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niche situations:

Neutralizing Gas cannot suppress another Pokémon's Neutralizing Gas, Multitype, Zen Mode, Stance Change, Power Construct, Schooling, RKS System, Shields Down, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, As One, or Tera Shift.

I'm not sure if any of those aren't affected by Soak but they're not affected by NG
Soak fails on Pokémon with Multitype and RKS System and, as @MonkeyBusiness said, cannot be suppressed by Neutralizing Gas. Soak also fails on Terastalized Pokémon, which might be worth mentioning.
As Soak and Neutralizing Gas doesn't work on neither Arceus nor Silvally, you'd still need coverage against all single-type Pokémon.
Any Pokemon can Tera, which makes it more similar to a status condition than an alternate species or form. Saying we need to cover all Tera Pokemon is like saying we need to cover all Pokemon that use protect or have wonder guard entrained onto them. If the asker isn't responding to these comments anymore, I say we just worry about every form of every Pokemon and the abilities they can naturally have.
If we dont look at 100% odds, its possible to hit all pokemon supereffectively with: neutralizing gas
metronome (hope for a super effective move), thief (to steal items like berries that may nullify damage) soak, and some other move for niche situations.
I spent a pretty long time at this, and the best I could find (if we are looking at 100% odds), if you are able to terastalize, would be:
-Electric move
-Tera Blast [Stellar] (hits every other tera'd Pokémon Super Effectively
-Ground Move / Fighting Move

This hits everything Super Effectively except some Arceus and Silvally forms.

If we aren't counting terastalization:
-Electric Move
-Fighting move
-Flying move / Ice move / Ground move


-Electric move
-Ground move
-Flying move / Fighting move / Ice move

All of the sets above have Neutralizing Gas as your Ability. I don't think any items would help.
if we can manipulate RNG, then we can just spam Metronome and always get a Super Effective move. Neutralizing Gas allows you to ignore Earth Eater on pure Electric types, and other niche abilities I'm forgetting. Knock Off for good measure can be one of your other move slots just to be safe.

Also I would like to mention that, if Legends: Arceus counts for some reason, then the move Judgement there automatically becomes super-effective against anything it goes against.

Lemme know if there's anything obvious I missed and if this should be an answer.

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