PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Everyone's answer was cool, so thanks, but I can't pick the best answer.
It was the same person all three times lol
Yup, they're all by me, I just had to make separate ones for all the Pokemon.

1 Answer

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Best answer

As of the Indigo Disk DLC for Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, this is all of them, or at least most of the Pokemon that learn moves during evolution:

Venusaur - Petal Blizzard
Charizard - Air Slash
Blastoise - Flash Cannon
Metapod - Harden
Butterfree - Gust
Kakuna - Harden
Beedrill - Fury Attack
Raticate - Scary Face
Arbok - Crunch
Raichu - Thunder Punch
Nidoqueen - Superpower
Nidoking - Megahorn
Vileplume - Petal Blizzard
Venomoth - Gust
Dugtrio - Sand Tomb
Persian - Power Gem
Alolan Persian - Power Gem
Arcanine - Extreme Speed
Poliwrath - Submission
Kadabra - Confusion
Victreebel - Leaf Tornado
Rapidash - Smart Strike (Fury Attack in Gen 7)
Galarian Rapidash - Psycho Cut
Galarian Slowbro - Shell Side Arm
Magneton - Tri Attack
Dodrio - Tri Attack
Dewgong - Sheer Cold
Muk - Venom Drench
Alolan Muk - Venom Drench
Cloyster - Icicle Spear
Haunter - Shadow Punch
Exeggutor - Stomp
Alolan Marowak - Shadow Bone
Hitmonlee - Brick Break
Hitmonchan - Drain Punch
Weezing - Double Hit
Galarian Weezing - Double Hit
Rhydon - Hammer Arm
Gyarados - Bite
Vaporeon - Water Gun
Jolteon - Thunder Shock
Flareon - Ember
Omastar - Crunch
Kabutops - Slash
Dragonite - Hurricane
Meganium - Petal Blizzard
Furret - Agility
Ariados - Swords Dance
Crobat - Cross Poison
Lanturn - Spit Up, Stockpile, and Swallow
Togetic - Fairy Wind
Xatu - Air Slash
Ampharos - Thunder Punch
Bellossom - Petal Blizzard
Sudowoodo - Slam
Politoed - Bounce
Espeon - Confusion
Umbreon - Snarl
Galarian Slowking - Eerie Spell
Wobbuffet - Counter, Destiny Bond, Mirror Coat, Safeguard
Forretress - Autotomize
Scizor - Bullet Punch
Magcargo - Shell Smash
Piloswine - Ice Fang
Octillery - Octazooka
Donphan - Fury Attack
Hitmontop - Triple Kick
Pupitar - Iron Defense
Sceptile - Dual Chop
Combusken - Double Kick
Marshtomp - Mud Shot
Mightyena - Snarl
Linoone - Slash
Galarian Linoone - Night Slash
Silcoon - Harden
Beautifly - Gust
Cascoon - Harden
Dustox - Gust
Nuzleaf - Razor Leaf
Shiftry - Leaf Tornado
Gardevoir - Dazzling Gleam
Breloom - Mach Punch
Slaking - Swagger
Ninjask - Double Team, Fury Cutter, and Screech
Loudred - Bite
Exploud - Crunch
Swalot - Body Slam
Sharpedo - Slash
Camerupt - Rock Slide
Grumpig - Teeter Dance
Vibrava - Dragon Breath
Flygon - Dragon Claw
Cacturne - Spiky Shield
Altaria - Dragon Pulse
Whiscash - Thrash
Crawdaunt - Swift
Claydol - Hyper Beam
Milotic - Water Pulse
Dusclops - Shadow Punch
Glalie - Freeze-Dry
Sealeo - Swagger
Shelgon - Protect
Salamence - Fly
Metang - Confusion and Metal Claw
Metagross - Hammer Arm
Torterra - Earthquake
Monferno - Mach Punch
Infernape - Close Combat
Prinplup - Metal Claw
Empoleon - Aqua Jet
Staraptor - Close Combat
Bibarel - Water Gun
Kricketune - Fury Cutter
Rampardos - Endeavor
Bastiodon - Block
Wormadam (All Forms) - Quiver Dance
Mothim - Quiver Dance
Vespiquen - Slash
Cherrim - Sunny Day
Drifblim - Phantom Force
Purugly - Swagger
Skuntank - Flamethrower
Bronzong - Block
Garchomp - Crunch
Lucario - Aura Sphere
Abomasnow - Ice Punch
Togekiss - Air Slash
Leafeon - Razor Leaf
Glaceon - Icy Wind
Mamoswine - Double Hit
Gallade - Slash
Probopass - Tri Attack
Froslass - Hex
Pignite - Arm Thrust
Samurott - Slash
Watchog - Confuse Ray
Boldore - Power Gem
Excadrill - Horn Drill
Seismitoad - Drain Punch
Swadloon - Protect
Leavanny - Slash
Whirlipede - Iron Defense
Lilligant - Petal Dance
Darmanitan - Hammer Arm
Galarian Darmanitan - Icicle Crash
Cofagrigus - Shadow Claw
Zoroark - Night Slash
Reuniclus - Hammer Arm
Sawsbuck - Horn Leech
Galvantula - Sticky Web
Ferrothorn - Power Whip
Eelektrik - Crunch
Beartic - Icicle Crash
Braviary - Superpower
Mandibuzz - Bone Rush
Volcarona - Quiver Dance
Quilladin - Needle Arm
Chesnaught - Spiky Shield
Delphox - Mystical Fire
Greninja - Water Shuriken
Fletchinder - Flame Charge
Spewpa - Protect
Vivillon - Gust
Gogoat - Aerial Ace
Pangoro - Night Slash
Aegislash - King's Shield
Sylveon - Disarming Voice
Sliggoo - Acid Spray
Goodra - Aqua Tail
Trevenant - Shadow Claw
Avalugg - Body Slam
Noivern - Dragon Pulse
Decidueye - Spirit Shackle
Incineroar - Darkest Lariat
Primarina - Sparkling Aria
Toucannon - Beak Blast
Charjabug - Charge
Vikavolt - Thunderbolt
Crabominable - Ice Punch
Ribombee - Pollen Puff
Lycanroc Midday - Sucker Punch
Lycanroc Midnight - Counter
Lycanroc Dusk - Crush Claw
Toxapex - Baneful Bunker
Lurantis - Petal Blizzard
Salazzle - Fire Lash
Bewear - Bind
Tsareena - Trop Kick
Golisopod - First Impression
Silvally - Multi-Attack
Kommo-o - Clanging Scales
Cosmoem - Cosmic Power
Solgaleo - Sunsteel Strike
Lunala - Moongeist Beam
Naganadel - Air Cutter
Thwackey - Double Hit
Rillaboom - Drum Beating
Cinderace - Pyro Ball
Inteleon - Snipe Shot
Greedent - Covet
Corviknight - Steel Wing
Dottler - Confusion, Light Screen, and Reflect
Thievul - Thief
Eldegoss - Cotton Spore
Drednaw - Rock Tomb
Carkol - Flame Charge
Coalossal - Tar Shot
Flapple - Wing Attack
Appletun - Headbutt
Toxtricity - Spark
Grapploct - Octolock
Polteageist - Teatime
Hattrem - Brutal Swing
Hatterene - Psycho Cut
Morgrem - False Surrender
Grimmsnarl - Spirit Break
Obstagoon - Obstruct
Perrserker - Iron Head
Sirfetch'd - Iron Defense
Runerigus - Shadow Claw
Alcremie - Decorate
Frosmoth - Icy Wind
Copperajah - Heavy Slam
Drakloak - Dragon Pulse
Dragapult - Dragon Darts
Urshifu Single Strike - Wicked Blow
Urshifu Rapid Strike - Surging Strikes
Meowscarda - Flower Trick
Skeledirge - Torch Song
Quaquavul - Aqua Step
Spidops - Silk Trap
Lokix - Lunge
Pawmo - Arm Thrust
Pawmot - Revival Blessing
Naclstack - Salt Cure
Garganacl - Hammer Arm
Armarouge - Psyshock
Ceruledge - Shadow Claw
Kilowattrel - Electro Ball
Mabosstiff - Comeuppance
Grafaiai - Doodle
Scovillain - Flamethrower and Spicy Extract
Rabsca - Revival Blessing
Espathra - Lumina Crash
Tinkaton - Gigaton Hammer
Palafin - Flip Turn
Revavroom - Shift Gear
Glimmora - Mortal Spin
Houndstone - Last Respects
Annihilape - Shadow Punch
Clodsire - Amnesia
Kingambit - Kowtwo Cleave
Baxcalibur - Glaive Rush
Dipplin - Double Hit
Sinistcha - Matcha Gotcha
Archaludon - Electro Shot
Hydrapple - Fickle Beam

...And that's all of them!

edited by
Are those sprites really necessary tho? Their formatting has taken up more than half of the characters and they're doing the same thing as normal bullet points.
It's not necessary, but I feel like it makes the answers look nicer. I could get rid of them and try to fit all the answers into one complete answer, but I'll probably reach the letter cap again regardless.
I got rid of the sprites and managed to fit the whole list into one answer, I wasn't sure if it'd work, but thanks xPsydxck!
that was allot of work and i commend u for that