PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I know about Slaking, Archeops, and Regigias. Are there any more? If so, can you tell me? Also, if there are any ways to get around these abilities that would help.


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2 Answers

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Best answer

Aside from the Pokémon you listed (Slaking, Archeops, and Regigigas) and their pre-evolutions (Slakoth and Archen), there are a couple more, being Durant with Truant, Varoom with Slow Start, Audino, Bewear, Buneary, Golett, Golurk, Lopunny, Stufful, Swoobat, Toxel, Woobat, Fidough, and Capsakid with Klutz, and Sableye with Stall.

For Durant, Sableye, Varoom, and the Pokémon with Klutz, they can be obtained without these abilities, and you may also use an Ability Patch on them to change their ability to be their hidden abilities (though, this won't work in the case of Pokémon that have these abilities as their HAs). Audino and Woobat/Swoobat can also Skill Swap Klutz to the opponent in place of their abilities.

For a in-battle workaround for these abilities, as well as a workaround for the Pokémon who don't have alternative abilities to use in place of their hindering abilities, you can find in of my previous answers to another question, being this one.

I hope I helped!

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Thanks! I didn't realize so many had them. (I have no idea why Durant had truant, as a HIDDEN ABILITY. That is just pointless.)
Revolt77 Truant is it's HA cause of Entrainment
Varoom also has Slow Start as a HA since S/V.
Thanks! The answer's now updated.
Just want to mention that as of S/V, using Ability Patch on a HA pokemon changes the hidden ability to a regular ability
1 vote
  • Pokemon with Klutz, like Lopunny and Golurk
  • Truant with Durant
  • Light Metal for Heavy Slam users

There are a few more but I forgot.

  • Stall's another one
  • last but not the least Hustle Togekiss

I know there are a few more Pokemon but I forgot about them.

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