okay, let's run through them
bad, no matter how you look at it
Truant, it limets only 1 move every 2 turns
Defeatist (as you said), halves attack and special attack when at half or below HP
Slow Start, for the first 5 turns, attack and speed are halved
Stall, your Pokemon always moves last
Normalize, turns all moves into normal types (so you will never land a super effective hit and never hit a ghost Pokemon)
Klutz, can't hold any item
not bad, yet not good
Run Away, makes escaping easier
illuminate, increases wild battle encounter chance
Heavy metal, doubles weight, can be good, can be bad (especially if the opponent has grass knot)
weak armour, boosts speed at the cost of defence, if you are sweeping, you need speed, but with low defence, your turns are limited.