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2 votes

I did some basic research and found the following:

Useful abilities:
- Unburden
- Quick Feet
- Speed Boost
- Surge Surfer
- Weak Armor

Weather-based abilities:
- Swift Swim
- Chlorophyll
- Sand Rush
- Slush Rush

Mostly useless abilities:
- Motor Drive
- Steadfast
- Steam Engine
- Moody

Priority increasing abilities:
- Gale Wings
- Prankster

Are there any other abilities that increase speed under some circumstances?

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Priority and speed are different. Gale Wings and Prankster increase priority, but do not increase speed.
I'm well aware of that but ultimately the purpose is the same - outspeeding the opponent - so I think it's fair to include them as honorable mentions.
If you have an Ultra Beast whose highest stat is Speed, then Beast Boost will boost speed

1 Answer

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Abilities that can raise the speed stat stage (bold indicates the ones you have missed out):

Beast Boost
Motor Drive
Speed Boost
Steam Engine
Weak Armor


Abilities that raise the speed itself (hence can stack with stat stages):

Swift Swim
Sand Rush
Slush Rush
Quick Feet
Surge Surfer


Gale Wings, Prankster and Triage increase the move's priority, but do not affect the bearer's speed itself.

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Note: Beast Boost only increases speed in case of Pheromosa.
Beast Boost can raise speed for a lot more than that, as long as you have their stats planned out correctly. Nihilego, Poipole, Naganadel, and Blacephalon can pretty easily manage it, and with enough distortion to the stat spread even Kartana, Celesteela, and Guzzlord can arrange to get speed as the highest stat (thus the one that gets the boost). Buzzwole can't do it unless its level was dropped all the way down to 14 (when it's never been made available that low), Xurkitree would need to be level 2, and of course Stakataka can't possibly hope to get speed the highest regardless of level, unless you're splicing raw stats with moves like Speed Swap.