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I mean, I've seen everywhere, and I didn't find anywhere that Pursuit stops you from switching out. And if it is called Pursuit-Trapping just because it becomes a 80 Power dark move when a Poke is switching out, It doesn't make any sense. Think about it. For example, if a fairy type is switching out, a 80 BP Dark move (which it resists), is better that a 80 BP steel move for it, isn't it? Then why is it called Pursuit-Trapping?


1 Answer

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Best answer

It's not so much as actual trapping but more of a lose lose situation. Even if it's a neutral or resisted, damage is damage so there's that. I'll use an example where pursuit trapping is so prominent

Imagine a gen five ou game where there's the usual Latios and Tyranitar. Latios kills something with draco meteor and now, Tyranitar comes in. Latios doesn't want to stay in on Tyranitar so it has to switch ou but if it switches out, it dies. It stays in, it dies. Another good example would be a choice locked Lele locked into psychic in gen seven. It obviously can't touch Tyranitar so rather than wait to punish them the next time around, you just deal with it then and there. It's not in the usual sense of trapping where you have Heatran magma miss or Wobbuffet arena trap. It's more along the lines of punishing them for switching out.

Against neutral or resisted hits, unless you really know what's coming in, it's usually a good idea to punish them for switching out as a parting gift. A good example of resisted pursuit trapping, and one I did a lot, was trapping Greninja. If it locks into dark pulse, I switch in Tyranitar and eat half its life as it runs away. Now, the next time Greninja comes in, it would be at half hp

Technically, pursuit doesn't trap, like at all. The term was just coined as switching in is usually a preferred option as you take massive damage for switching out and it limits what a Pokemon can do, especially choice locked ones. Think of it like you're in a burning building and the only way out is thru a window that's on fire. No matter what happens, things are looking ugly for you

If you want a more detailed explanation, here is a video that explains pursuit a lot better than I can

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The similarity between real trapping and pursuit trapping is that both create a situation where your opponent's active Pokemon must get hit by an attack, and the opponent can't switch to a teammate to take that attack.
Interesting. Thanks