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This powerful uber........ HOW DO I BEAT HIM?!

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4 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

You have to be able to predict well to use wobuffett, and it's the same case for countering him. If you're fighting say, a Pripeape, more likely than not, he'll use physical moves, leading him to use counter. So the best way is to carry mixed sweepers and try to outpredict your opponent. You can also use taunt to make him struggle. Passive damage can work wonders.

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You can also get a buffer and do something like Swords Dance or Dragon Dance or something along the lines all day until the Wobbuffet switches out, and if the Wobbuffet decides to stay in, with all the buffs, you'll probably be able to OHKO it with a powerful move.
1 vote

If you want to master Wobbuffet, like I've mastered my Lv 82, you have to use strategy and it works for beating him to. Take for instance a Normal-type like Clefable, or Lickilicky, most of the attacks the trainers will give them are more than likely special,so try to start off with Mirror Coat.

A fighting type like Hitmonlee or Primeape, will more than likely have Swagger, to confuse the opponent, so you should have a back up plan.

Rock-types and Steel-types will have physical with the occasional Sandstorm attack.

Psychic/Ice/Electric/Fire/Grass/Water/Ghost/and Dark types are very hard to predict. Psychic-types will more than likely use a special attack, so use Mirror Coat, same thing with Ice-types.

Fire-types, like Magmar and Magmortar more than likely have the move Confuse Ray, so try to throw up a Safeguard and hope it doesn't hurt itself when you use Mirror Coat.

Grass types will more than likely use a status move, so use Safeguard, if you feel you should.

Water types will use special attack, unless it's a Gyarados, then you have to chose carefully.

Ghost-types will try to put you to sleep, so use Safeguard no matter what. Dark-types are tricky, so you have to act on your instinct when it comes to them.

And a Hypnosis attack + Shadow Ball helps, as well as a round of Bite and Crunch attacks, just be sure to put it to sleep/paralyze it/poison it/burn it first, and it's a good chance that it will hurt itself in its confusion. But be careful about Destiny Bond. Stall as long as you can until it either wears off or runs out of PP/turns

I hope this help some, since i used my past experiences with my Wobbuffet.

0 votes

i would use taunt to make it struggle then use a damaging move. or if the opponent isn't really skilled you can use toxic then wait it out with swords dance or something, but if wobbuffet is skilled it uses destiny bond. I know from experience because I have a wobbuffet on my Pokemon showdown team :)

something I forgot to mention is using sword dance to max attack and then use a powerful move to try and knock it out immediately. wont work if wobbuffet has focus sash but you can do a not as damagin move then do a powerful move.

These aren't really reliable strategies because Wobbuffet can switch in on a Pokemon that has none of these moves.
yes but im interpreting it as a final pokemon match
That doesn't change much. Either way you can't switch out of the Wobbuffet and you can use only whatever 4 moves your Pokemon has.
0 votes

Assuming this is gen 5 Ubers

Wobbuffet's Shadow Tag ability doesn't let most opponents switch out; therefore, Wobbuffet has no real counters. However, there are a few ways to deal with it, as Wobbuffet does have its weaknesses. Once you see Wobbuffet in the opponent's team roster, be sure to play carefully, as you do not want to lose a team member to a poorly thought-out move. Hitting hard and hitting fast as Wobbuffet switches in is the most solid way to deal with it, as even with its respectable bulk, Wobbuffet cannot take repeated hard-hitting moves such as Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Thunder, Hydro Pump, and more. Unless Wobbuffet has used Safeguard, inflicting it with status, especially poison, also helps; this puts a lot of pressure on the opponent while also shortening Wobbuffet's lifespan.

Wobbuffet also has no reliable form of recovery, which makes the "hit hard and hit fast" strategy much more solid. A common mistake of many Wobbuffet users is using Encore on Spikes or Toxic Spikes. Not only does that directly impact Wobbuffet's effectiveness, it affects your teammates by stripping down their HP or poisoning them.

Overall, Psychic is not a great defensive type: it makes Wobbuffet weak to Ghost-, Dark-, and Bug-type moves. Darkrai is probably the biggest threat to Wobbuffet. Not only is it immune to Mirror Coat, but it packs a super effective STAB in Dark Pulse and can put Wobbuffet to sleep with Dark Void to avoid the Encore if Safeguard is not in effect. From there, Darkrai can set up Nasty Plot and proceed to sweep. Scizor also is a huge problem for Wobbuffet. It can U-turn to scout Wobbuffet's next move, and if Wobbuffet stays in, it gets KOed easily. Scizor can also use Pursuit on the switch to hit a fleeing Wobbuffet very hard. Arceus-Ghost and Arceus-Dark also make great examples of Pokemon that have super effective attacks against Wobbuffet. Both can set up Calm Mind and hit very hard with their STAB Judgment but risk being Encored by Wobbuffet. Choice Specs Kyogre and Reshiram are the hardest hitters in the entire tier, utilizing Water Spout or Blue Flare to OHKO Wobbuffet with the aid of rain or sun, respectively.

Another way to deal with Wobbuffet is to simply Taunt it. Taunt prevents Wobbuffet from using Encore or Safeguard, thus making it setup fodder for the likes of Extreme Killer Arceus, Rayquaza, Mewtwo, and Cloyster. Wobbuffet also becomes weak to status, as it cannot use Safeguard to protect itself.

