PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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All methods please

I think there was something about the dex and the suggested? But I forget

Having a Pokemon with No Guard, Arena Trap, or Illuminate at the front of the party will double encounter rate. Abilities like Magnet Pull and Lightning that affect the chance you encounter Pokemon of a certain type, although they don't increase the chance you actually encounter Pokemon, could make the process even faster than doubling the encounter rate, as they force encounters with those specific types.
Does sweet scent count?
@cicida does sweet scent boost encounter rates?
No, but if you use sweet scent on a long grass area it will create an encounter.
That doesn't boost encounter rate, it just forces an encounter
If you have a Pokemon with Static in the front of your party, electric type Pokemon become 40% of the possible Pokemon that appear

1 Answer

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These abilities activate when the Pokemon is in the first spot of the party:

Intimidate & Keen Eye: Decreases the chance of encountering lower-level wild Pokémon by 50%
Stench & White Smoke: Decreases the chances of encountering wild Pokémon (not just lower level) by 50%
Arena Trap & Illuminate: Increases the chance of encountering Pokémon to 200%.
No Guard - Increases the wild Pokémon encounter rate to 150%
Harvest: Increases the chance of running into Grass type Pokemon by 50% (in areas that have grass types)
Flash Fire: Increases the chance of running into Fire type Pokemon by 50% (in areas that have fire types)
Static and Lightning Rod: Increases the chance of running into Electric type Pokemon by 50% (in areas that have electric types)
Storm Drain: Increases the chance of running into Water type Pokemon by 50% (in areas that have Water types)
Magnet Pull: Increasess the chance of encountering wild Steel-type Pokémon by 50% (in areas that have them)
Synchronize: 50% chance that wild Pokémon encountered will have the same Nature as the Pokémon with Synchronize.
Cute Charm: Increases the chance to run into the opposite gender to 66.7%, regardless of normal gender ratios.
Compound Eyes: Increases the chance of wild Pokemon holding an item from 50%/5%/1% to 60%/20%/5%.
Swarm: Increases the chance of encountering wild Pokémon.
Suction Cups & Sticky Hold: Bites will occur more often while fishing.
Hustle, Pressure & Vital Spirit: Increases the chance to run into higher-level Pokemon.
Sand Veil: Decreases the wild Pokémon encounter rate by 50% in an area with a sandstorm
Snow Cloak: Decreases the wild Pokémon encounter rate by 50% in an area with a blizzard
Quick Feet - Decreases the wild Pokémon encounter rate.
Most if not all of the above abilities are still active even when the Pokemon is fainted.


There's no held item that increases or decreases encounter rates

Also if a Pokemon is suggested in your Pokedex home screen, then it had a boosted chance of appearing in the area that it wants you to look for that Pokemon in. The selection of these Pokemon are semi-random, and unless you have a complete Pokedex, they will only show Pokemon that you have not caught before.

Also, apparently, according to Serebii, "If you find a rare Pokémon, or simply any Pokémon you're looking for, then when you defeat it, there is a slightly higher chance of seeing it again, so if you find a 1% Pokémon and want more of it, then it will start appearing more."


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What about the dex thing I was thinking about? Do catch combos boost encounters at all?
No. I know that from experience
…what about the dex thing I was thinking about?
I said no. The dex does not increase encounter rates for a Pokemon at all
I think you misunderstand me. I heard the recommended Pokémon have boosted rates
recommended pokemon from the dex does boost the encounter rate of the pokemon
> Another is the Recommended Pokémon in the Pokédex. Here, you will see a certain few Pokémon in a specific area. For as long as they are listed as Recommended, they will have a boosted chance of being in the Wild.
The list will get refreshed if you catch them all or when the day changes to the next day.

Ohhh, your right I did misunderstand you, I didn't know what you meant by "suggested."